
I’m beyond the 36k bumper-to-bumper warranty. The water pump is covered under the longer powertrain warranty. The radiator is not.

We’re living in a golden age of automobiles and no one is noticing.

Mack is correct, smart, and should be a permanent member of the staff.

Sooo....don’t the knuckledraggers that formed the roadblock have legible license plates in the photo? Go to their homes, seize their cars, send them to the crusher. Let these halfwits take the bus to work and see how they like it.

Last year I paid $5,000 for a 1998 Nissan Maxima SE with 56k miles for my daughter to drive. Why would I paid $5,000 for a 1998 Maxima? Because it was pristine, and far better than any of the other 100+ $5,000 cars I had looked at over the course of 4 long and dreary months. And I knew I’d be able to get at least

Most tax breaks are not a net positive for anyone but the party receiving them. In most cases, there is no business case for said tax break.


The people who constantly complain about poor people (who do not have much money in the bank) taking assistance from the government, be it in food or housing vouchers, are the same asswipes that see no problem with the government giving away tax breaks for companies or sports teams that have very large sums of

And much more likely to happen (the “replace the vehicle completely” solution) when it’s a low number of cars.

This is awesome.’s like a restaurant with too many items on the menu. I’d find it impossible to decide!

Funny how liberals love all regulation regardless of where it makes sense and where it doesn’t.

No amount of government regulation will stop people who are determined to evade it. But required safety inspections help law-abiding citizens (the vast majority) recognize when their vehicle had become unsafe and tells them what to do about it. Which is a good thing.

Utah recently did away with their safety inspection requirement, which is a ***terrible*** idea. Generally I’m a fan of reduced regulation, but people simply can’t be trusted to maintain vehicle roadworthiness. And their automotive apathy is a direct threat to my family’s safety.

because this country requires car ownership that many can’t quite afford”

My first new car was a ‘94 Miata. My dream car at the time. Two weeks after buying it I was sitting at a red light and a POS Suburban pulled up behind me. Right up on me. As soon as the light turned green the SOB at the wheel rammed me. Had completely forgotten I was even there. Broke both my taillights and crunched

This is a color palette for a practical commuter sedan, not a proper roadster/sports car.

Enjoy your Google-monitored existence.

First-gen Durango looked great, but build quality was crap.

The Aztek was ugly, but not in an interesting way. At all.

This is a bad take, but just barely.