Well, that’s not a very nice Socialist attitude, comrade. Perhaps Portland is the wrong locale for you?
Well, that’s not a very nice Socialist attitude, comrade. Perhaps Portland is the wrong locale for you?
You answered a question re: M vs non-M 3.0L that no one on the Bimmer forum was willing/able to answer, that question being does the M variant require special maintenance that would make it more expensive than a 3.0L model. Your answer seems to indicate “yes,” but I don’t know anything about the valve adjustment on…
Is the Era of Bad Tattoos almost over? Please?
Depends on the owner, I suppose. If I bought a car new and it now had 135k miles, it would still look pretty much like a new car inside and out (as did my 2010 TDI Sportwagen at 110k when I took the buyback).
I thought I smelled something. Yep, it’s the stench of Gawker’s carcass, as pungent as ever.
Ignorant or absent-minded drivers should not be driving. The end.
Stop calling it the fast lane and start calling it the passing lane, which is what it is.
$7500 for the Benz, plus $7500 for your first repair 3 months later.
What kind of fool just gives a car to a dealership for nothing in return??? Best to just chalk this up to “hard life lessons learned” and move on. The legal system does not exist to save us from our own stupidity.
Finally, Trail Grom confirmed!!!!
Who invited my dad to this site??? :(
I bought a pristine 98 Maxima SE last year for my daughter to drive (one owner 55k miles). She hated it, of course, because **teenage girl** and got a Nissan Cube. I’m so reluctant to sell the Maxima. Thinking about keeping it as my DD and trying to get out of my Jetta lease. Sadly the Maxima is an automatic. But I’d…
My Sportwagen TDI took me to 110k miles (before buyback) needing nothing more than a new battery. That’s more reliable than any of my Hondas have ever been.
A-holes with money to burn ruin everything. :(
I’m not insane enough to post my dream used car publicly and have you people drive up the prices. NOPE.
“Every Z4 except for the M will reportedly get the ZF eight-speed automatic.”
Long time VW customer here.
California is the most conservative state when it comes to car camping. That god awful shithole will try to charge you in excess of $75 for a community primitive camp site.
I doubt you’re going to get that significant a bump in power without at least a semi-significant bump in price.