
they could fix so much of that with a 2-d00r/6 foot bed combo

The problem with GM is that they are too corporate.  My school has many graduates that end up at GM and I can honestly tell you their workflow process is super slow.  Everything is too corporate and everything must be parts binned and cost cut.  They need to understand the meaning of human centered design and design

I’ve been defending Jalopnik writers against the appearance of an anti-GM bias for the last couple of days. I may be wrong. Yet another “GM is Bad” post? I would have been with you if you had stayed with GM needs to capitalize on their tech R&D. I agree that GM’s lackluster stock price is a reflection of the markets’

“Gm gets shit on more than just about any other company I can think of”

I am very well aware of this, and have been for approximately five years.

Unmoved. Perfect colors on a frumpy car.

For the love of all that is good and holy: save “Frog Fractions”!

You need to use a /s. It’s very hard to tell that you’re not being stupid right now.

Best case scenario is that Temtem makes Nintendo finally decide to evolve the Pokemon formula beyond a game based entirely around the limitations of a Game Boy.

Shhhhh.... There’s a narrative. You can’t go against it. Submit, you climate denier.

I seriously don’t get how everyone says EVs are environmentally friendly. I get it on the face value as there are 0 emissions and all, but then once we have a lot more of these EV’s we will have a quite a bit of landfill and waste in the form of used up batteries. Aren’t they going to be even more harmful in the long

The Miata’s price is not a problem. Its lack of colors is the problem.

Miata is the perfect size. Everything is already sized for Real Americans. Let those of us who arent Real Americans have a single damn vehicle that isnt supersized. 

You clearly missed the announcement about the MX-30... Mazda’s first production electric vehicle.  

I am a big rotary-nerd, but I am also quite a realist about how next-to-impossible another rotary powered sports car would be.

I don’t care what ends up under the hood (as long as it makes 300+ hp) and I don’t care what they end up calling it.... just please bring the RX-Vision to production....

Or a small company, where the VPs with no one actually reporting to them are trying too hard to sound official.

Ahh. That explains the behavior of Ohio drivers that I see here in Seattle. I just assumed you guys all just learned to drive on a tractor or something.

The Great Seal of Texas should read “We Don’t Give a Fuck!” I’ve seen some insane stuff on TX road. Admittedly, most of it was through Houston. The fact that TX two lane highways are better kept than many other states’ interstate system is a testament to how easy that state government has made it to drive as fast as

This is pretty surprising to me - I used to do the drive from Grand Rapids to Traverse City yearly around July 4th, and I would *without fail* get a speeding ticket nearly every time, even though I was only going 7-9mph over the limit.