
There hasn't really been a drought for PS4. They've been steadily releasing games for digital with a monthly free game. I think if any console has had a drought it would have been Xbox One.

Because people like loud annoying people. If you want proof that loud annoying people get subscribers let me refer you to Rhianna and Justin Bieber's YouTube accounts.

See there is your problem. MS is and always will be profitable and on the other hand Xbox is not profitable and shareholders have been calling for it to be sold off for a little while now. No, it is how I claim it to be. They are falling behind and people who had their console from last gen are switching over to the

Offering $100 for an opponents last gen system? I mena the evidence has been shouted a couple of times. Xbox isn't doing nearly as well as PS4 and even the fact that people who had an Xbox 360 are going to next gen with a PS4.

I never said it wasn't business, but its a cheapshot by a scared company.

That may be common but that definitely is a cheapshot.

Call it mudslinging or whatever but this is actually an important thing I've never heard of and I'm happy that I know about this now. This is the reason why MS is actually losing right now and why I think MS might sell off the Xbox soon. Despite what Phill Spencer keeps saying the new CEO hasn't said shit and seems to

How about that shot MS took at Sony a couple months ago. Where they had the ad of trading a PS3 in for $100 off the Xbox One. Yeah, that wasn't mudslinging or anything.

This argument is so weird. Because the PS4 has more games than the Xbox One. So if the PS4 has no games, but has more games than the Xbox One does that mean the Xbox One has negative games or are you guys just getting really fucking lazy with the trolling? Sidenote to OP: I've got both and both have their perks. I

"Sir douchebag" because I'm the one who listens to Skrillex. It is also King Douchebag. Get it right peasant!

If you're listening to Skrillex I feel bad for you son you got 99 problems and your music taste is one.

I'll admit that Peter has pissed me off in the past. Who the fuck can't say that? But I would be a liar if I said I had no respect for him and would not relish in an opportunity to work beside Peter. Peter is the best type of liar. He does not lie out of fear nor is it out of greed like we see from regular

I've got both and I disagree. The PS4 has more games that are easier to get in to. Xbox One has more exclusives, but who the fuck really wants to play Ryse or Zumba? Overall the game library on the Ps4 is bigger and better. Dead Rising 3 is probably the best Xbox One game and it suffers from HEAVY technical issues.

This looks like they threw this all together at the last minute. Specifically the first one looks God awful.

The cloak ability is horrible and nearly anyone can see it. The only thing that can't are the mentally retarded bots running everywhere. If you cloak and melee them you also get as much points as you would for killing a pilot. They are easy to farm and can easily win you the game if you do it properly.

I'm not saying the game is bad either, but it is getting too much hype and I feel like it is all manufactured hype by MS and EA. We have a ton of great games coming out this year that aren't getting shit. Even in terms of Xbox One we're getting better games. Sunset Overdrive, D4, Quantum Break, Project Spark, and the

Project Spark for one would be nice. There are many great games coming out this year and yeah Brink was terrible. The difference here is that EA funneled money and advertising in to this. I never said Brink was actually good, just that the movement isn't something revolutionary.

The movement really isn't that new. We've seen it around in other games and one that comes in to mind was Brink. I'd be surprised to see this influence anything. The media is being paid a ridiculous amount to put out hype for this game by MS and EA. It is a fun game but there are more quality game son their way out

Awful company seeking to ruin yet another well established franchise.

I'm a big South Park fan and with Obsidian being one of my least trusted companies I went in to this REALLY carefully. I played it got about 70% through and had to reset my character for personal reasons. I just beat it and I have to say. The game even though it steals some from the show (It is supposed to after all)