
That sounds like you had extreme bad luck, rarely do that happen, and they added a new report button i think, but i can see that it made you guys quit.

Most players play alone and do perfectly fine.

This game <3

Nope, there is a lot of proof out there, one dude even made a movie BEHIND the youtube channel,and released it free.

I seen plenty of Youtubers work a 100% job and make a lot of weekly good content, just as everyone else without a job.

its still a Ps2 game ...

First of all, news reporters are the ones that bring the news, a youtube channel TALKS about the news.

Hahah, and dont forget the booze!

Yeah there are plenty of people that have nothing to spend money on, and just a few fans can actually support 1 person for 1 year, depending how much they want to give.

Who the fuck cares !

Haha, the resolution on Dragon Quest is worse than on Ps2 xD

Its not like FF 7 and its not like FF 10, its more like FF 14 xD

I think the main issue is that Overwatch is such an intense game, that you just have to see if your teammates are doing good while you wait for that timer to go over.

Tough that Blitzball .....

Ok try and think about this in another perspective, you start out in a huge open world , you learn about all the towns places and people, then as you learn to love this world, you got this huge epic final climb with crazy cutscenes plot twist and shit at the end .

Dude nothing will be worse than FF 13

I also do not appreciate the of hyperbolic usage of cancerous titles ;)

So do you know who made the game ?

I am from Norway

I couldn’t give a 2 fucking cent what they are saying, they KNOW what they are writing in the headlines, and they KNOW, what they get after writing it. attacking a 3 unknown people,