Yeah he even has a potion for swimming underwater.
Yeah he even has a potion for swimming underwater.
I am closing to the end, i had some problems with the game cause my computer sucked, but i started over with new graphics card,
End game, 5 dungeons that you grind over and over.....
A mmo that sells as much as FF9 and gets people to pay monthly, an avrage of 700 K people, and then down to 450 K lately since they are releasing the newest patch soon,. ??? and you think they are doing bad ?
Dont you think somethings wrong when i played 50 hours and checked everything and no one attacks me ?
Thanks, tough i rather have the game do the gameplay for me, rather wait for mods, the base building is pointless atm. Bethesda knew modders would make something out of this so they didnt even try.
Survival in a Bethesda game ?
One of the voice actors for ff 14 that voiced Yugiri was found killed along with her 2 sons in England last week :(
So .... where is Spyro??
Well, i am no weather expert but Witcher 3 is the only game that has reminded me of North Euro weather, it can be pretty crazy at times, and most people i know move from where i live :/
How could you say that about my nr 1 FF game ;_;
What do you mean, doesn’t have to be that tall for snowy peaks, i live where Skyrim was designed from and Skellige, North Norway and its basically pretty accurate, the weather in the svamps is more like a Norwegian weather in summer, where it changes fast from rain dark clouds and suddenly sun.
Totally unrelated, The Sims 4 is shaping up the be the best of the series, instead of adding pointless Expansion they made it so that each one has so much more meaning and goes well with the others, the last Expansion really made the game more fun with the grouping system, all i need now is a restaurant to run, cars…
Think about it this way, the more you wait the better the game gets, although the challenging content gets removed... OH WAIT!! this is not WOW!
Short story, FF 14 owns every MMO when it comes to story, other than that, its the endgame that keeps people coming back like every mmo, if you dont have endgame you are dead .. (*cough cough Guild wars 2)
Short story, FF 14 owns every mmo when it comes to story, other than that, its the endgame that keeps people comming back like every mmo, if you dont have endgame you are dead .. (*cough cough Guild wars 2)
Ah i just bought the first one on sale yesterday, played 2 hours and i really like the game, too bad it looks so old.
What do you mean much better ?
FF 14 is such an amazing game, just stay away from the Anima grind and scrips, that will ruin the fun of the game.