Lol, the title took the words straight out of my mouth.
Lol, the title took the words straight out of my mouth.
Im talking about the 100 other articles. And i suggest you read a little more.
I will never get Kotaku, sometimes they defend bullying and then they do the opposite right after, same with allot of other things,
Ah Kotaku where they try to fight for diversity, but only show perfect half naked people in Cosplay..
Remember the NOS and Neon age, wher need for speed games and Fast And Furious had these tanks and neon lights under them, sweet times, and does race drivers use it ?
Thanks for the big spoilers kotaku... This better not have something to do with the main series. Also these headlines could have been made by a 13 year old teenager. Get some dignity kotaku.
Sounded more like a private talk between 2 people.
Well to be fair, Kotaku has some of the worst headlines ever in the gaming media.
Yeah, that was kinda rude of you. people are allowed to talk about sex no matter what age they are in.
Second Life is freaking crazy game from what i have seen from Ralp Bluetawn,
Yeah first the fat guy from Tim and Erics bedtime stories then the guy with the terrible Charlie Chaplin show came out of the car, i knew something was going on then :P
And they are all from the same freaking acting place.
Only guy missing was Tim Heidecker as Decker, and you got the entire team there.
I love this world *grabs a beer
Me too, i knew this they where gonna make it better on PC after the first person , so i never bought a Ps4 and just waited for the PC version, and it seems i was right.
Dayz is based off Wasteland mod. So they would have won first.
I looks a lot sharper than what i seen from the Youtube videos, what really drew me in was the well written text and the insanely fitting music.
Get a life and let this man do what he wants.
I have no friends to play with anyways ;_;