
Thats because the PC version was a test version of the console version.

The best orange soda is Solo, a soda from Norway. i have tasted Fanta from Cola company, and it cant even compare to Solo.

YEah baby !

Wait so, this had to be made while he was working on FF 15, Square Enix really needs to start prioritizing their games more.

I was not thinking of this video, i was thinking of when he goes in E3 and makes fun of people that have a tough life making games.

I always got the leading roles in comedy shows at school.... so thanks for that.

yes yes, you are right, sorry. I know what you mean,

Fuck, i may be mixing him with that other famous news reporter comedian XP

He told Norway to go fuck them self, after giving peace price to the first Black President in US, and yes i love Conan, but i was really sad when he said gamers never got girlfriends, that joke is really old, and when he was really rude against the voice of Morio, making a really funny scene awkward.

lol i regret commenting so early, i think people are taking this a little to seriously. but sorry if i offended anyone.

Dammit, i wrote that it was in their work, i have no idea why people are so angry-

I wasn't hurt by it, i just think it was cheap and stupid humour, and they have those damn cue lines to make people in the show laugh at it to.

There are other ways in being funny than insulting people.

I am not that fan of cheap humour . like when Jon Stewart said that gamers dont get any girls, or when Conan, (well) when he talks like he does.


Blame Sony and Xbox for pressuring them to make it 30fps

How the fuck did Norway end up there, there is like 1 person each year that is killed by guns.

US version Tomba 1-2

The video is removed by Square Enix.

I only need Realm Reborn, constant updates and dungeons, for a casual MMO player i have never reached the top because they just keep adding more stuff to do :D