
Why are you so negative, its a new game, if you don't like it, then don't play it.

Said everyone about every Final Fantasy game ever. Seriously, just get over it, stop thinking about the spiky hairdo, and imagine the game play.

Sigh, all these 3DS games would be 100 times better on the Vita, why did they fail so bad at getting these games.

I dont think people would care that much, if the game is good.

What is it with you guys and defending this shit.

Why are all the top commenters on Kotaku Anime avatars of cute cat girls?

I think everyone knew you where talking about *cough cough*

Tina Amini is my favorite pokemon ^^

Haha, i love this game, been playing for 30 hours.

I never could get into the sims 3.

Its a good game

Havent seen 1 bug and i have played 25 hours.

The Sims 4 is a really good game . 25 hours playtime, still having fun.

Notice how we aren't allowed in the glorious replies in Kotaku, almost as they want us gone for some reason... hmmm..

If Nathan was a girl your post would be deleted by Kotaku.

Now playing

Nathan is sleeping with people game devs and recommend their games

He is just complaining like the rest, i bet i you check his profile, he will prob have an worse article about new games.

Is this cartoon supposed to change my mind ?

Yeah, you are right.

Dont worry, only assholes are on right now, wait til the nice guys log on. This game looks a lot of fun, and the 7 year thing, maybe he had a job in between, just because its been 7 years, does not mean he has worked on it every day.