
It really doesn't make sense. They should've been using it as a platform to gauge potential interest in new characters and/or introduce lesser-known-but-still-important characters to a younger crowd who will very quickly become an older crowd (especially in movie years, what with an Avengers film every ~3-5 years and

More profitable to get rid of their back stock on an old system than to jack up the price to accommodate the newer controllers while letting the DS3s collect dust in a warehouse somewhere.

That "some reason" is because you can pay a minimal ($15) fee for automated check-in and I'm reasonably sure a good number of people do it so they don't have to deal with the hassle of remembering to be around a computer 24 hours before the flight.

Yeah, I totally agree. It's kinda why it's frustrating being a fan of JRPGs and having grown up with them. I mean, I'm 32 now and I've been playing since the original Dragon Warrior. It's kind of a shame that more games haven't "grown up" along with us and is part of the reason why I've been slowly migrating towards

Yeah, that's the big problem with modern television. Since you're renewed yearly (or in very rare cases, maybe two at a time if you're SUPER popular), it's really difficult to create a long-term plan without inconsistencies or made-up bullshit or retcons. All that being said, I actually do think Lost did an admirable

Nail on the head. Watch the other trailers and you can see he's using different swords. He uses the one from this trailer in one of the bigger boss fights in the last TGS trailer, and it looks just as 'sluggish' as here. I'm expecting the combat will be pretty varied.

Vaan and Penelo were forced on Matsuno by the higher-ups. He wanted Basch to be the main character and there would never have really been a contingent of young kids on the team. But you also have to realize that the target demographics for these games ARE teenagers and early-20s kids. That's why SE did what they did

Eh, you can just look at the Tales series for a decent implementation. I'd personally hope for either a version of FFXII's gambits (so you don't have to think about it) or maybe Vagrant Story's quick menu, but it looks to me like they want to make this as seamless as possible.

I also only caught it once it finished (almost immediately after). I actually spent a lot of time reading all the various post-episode recap blogs as I went through the series, so I kind of experienced what people were going through WITHOUT the week-long waits between episodes (and breaks between seasons).

Thank you for this. I was gonna say, "The only thing that was murdered here was this Daily Show segment."

Could not agree more. There is literally nothing in that sentence that makes any amount of sense. It's fucking detestable.

"the child accidentally hit his head on a carseat while Adrian was punishing him"

Except for that one time they won a national title with one.

I decided to not watch this year as a result of this whole fiasco even before this video broke out. It was just a disaster and was the last straw in a very long list of straws. This makes me feel all the better for it and I really wish more people would join in. But I'd be surprised if enough people ever did it to

My first thought, as well! Just finished my second run, and it really stuck with me just how there really had never been anything like it before. There were a lot of immediate copycats, and it's died off a bit, but it's still had a very big impact on how Hollywood views TV audiences and storytelling in TV dramas.

To be fair, he DID use Tenzin as bait for Korra's team and was eventually intending for him to die. Obviously, our heroes stopped that from happening, but it seemed to me like Zaheer was just playing the long game with him.

I've been rewatching Lost and had the exact same thought. He would be perfect.

"I'll give Nintendo this, for all their mistakes, I love how the CEO will take a pay cut before they even consider layoffs, because their philosophy is that talent is more valuable than one or two games, and that you can't make a good game when you're fearful for your job all the time."

Pretty sure all the primary actors have signed on. Last I remember, only John Oliver and Jonathan Banks were up in the air for returning. And no, nothing about Donald Glover yet.