
97.5% of all statistics are made up.


You have my sympathy on the GS2... such a short period of time before the Skyrocket was announced and now they have the Skyrocket HD coming? I'd be pissed.

The best part about Starship Troopers is that when people lie about it they tend to reference the movie.. which is very different from the book.

yes, let's hate on people that are trying to improve their lives by getting and staying in shape.

There were all mainly adaptations with once exception (the second book, which was the weakest). They were great reads though and definitely fleshed out the stories more while staying true to what was in the games.

It's been the major downside by far. I'd think that there are enough WP7 handsets out there to warrant more multiplatform app releases on it... but I guess not.

Even worse... I AM a ginger. Although I suppose it's fitting that I have a souless phone...

You think you have it bad? My WP7 phone gets NO love

I don't have the appropriate pants :(

Nowhere near as interesting as Umbrella though. The number of facilities they had, the interesting family history they had woven into the storylines of the games, etc. It was fascinating to uncover all the info about. The books made it even better.

Honestly... bring back zombies and an Umbrella-like evil corporation. The los plagas stuff isn't nearly as interesting as the first few games (although the gameplay itself is of course great).

Thanks so much! I went from a job where I was pretty active to a sedentary one. Fighting off five years of laziness and fat!

This exactly. I run but I also go for ruck marches on the weekend. My results are going to be trash since it wouldn't properly account for the added weight and intensity of the walk.

Yet it uses accelerometers just like the Jawbone UP and FitBit... it counts steps like them too. I don't get the oxygen thing =/

Check out the website... it looks like they sell it in multiple sizes. Although for some reason I'm unable to open the detailed sizing guide at work.

Huh... this is some fortuitous timing. I've been trying to get more active (have lost about 18lbs from running and watching what I eat over the last couple of months) and have been looking at Suunto and Polar watches today. I actually came across this article while looking for Fitbit reviews and thought this was an

You raise a good point! And you also pique my interest in this Sumerian/Babylonian period...has anything been done in that era?

Thanks for the recommendations! Those actually do sound pretty interesting!

I know I don't need them but for some reason... I still want them. Wifi. Cufflinks. Me gusta... for some reason