Is this only for defensive players? What about running backs who lower their helmets to obliterate people?
Is this only for defensive players? What about running backs who lower their helmets to obliterate people?
Suarez was expecting to feast on Russia’s players, but not exactly like this.
Nothing dirty about it.
That’s not how it works in the MLB, though. Warnings are issued first to both sides before ejections happen. Apparently there was discussion of this event in the dugouts prior to the game, but we can’t go there right now. We have this video. This video shows an ump jumping the gun on a call and his crew chief having…
No one is telling the players to do anything, though. At least in addition to their actual jobs.
We are all expected to make sacrifices for our careers and they can sometimes have long-term implications. These are some whiny-ass baseball players complaining that a TV company, the same TV company that gives them hundreds of millions in revenue to add to their CBA, wants them to play baseball too much. It’s just…
This is where I tell you that I have been a reliever in the AAA’s on some useless team for twenty years and then you don’t believe me and we all go home happy. There. You got what you wanted!
Somewhat luke-warm take incoming...
As much as I think the system surrounding makeup games is stupid, this is BASEBALL, after all. They basically stand around for three hours, sprint every now and then, and MAYBE get sucker punched by Odor.
These guys, except for the starting pitchers, should be fine. If only there…
Dude really was admiring his pass. Deserved to get his clock cleaned in the neutral zone like that. This is hockey, people.
Doesn’t make it a good car. Lots of sheeple, that’s for sure.
Doc is a legend. Leave him out of this!
This Penguins team is weak and the cheap shots they were taking at the end of the Philly series showed this. If there ever was a year for Ovenchicken to beat these dumb, flightless birds, this is it. As a lifelong Devils fan, LET’S GO CAPS!!!
It’s a magazine, Jay. COME ON.
This is not ok. Accepting mediocrity is definitely too prevalent now. Release a complete game when you say you are going to. Too many companies in too many industries are following suit, and it’s disgraceful.
Wrong. We also pay S.S. tax as well as the pension payments.
Haven’t seen this much Mike Envy since Kanye didn’t mean to interrupt that poor young woman.
Well, I actually game in 4K on my PC with my 1080, but sure. Assume that because I play Switch I do not enjoy or have the ability to play games in 4K. Jackass.
You must suck the fun right out of the room when you walk in.
How about the move you?