My favorite, all-time defender is definitely Dennis Rodmanon.
My favorite, all-time defender is definitely Dennis Rodmanon.
Thanks to our very competent Governor, Walrus Jerry Jones Jr., this issue will not go away. NJ will need to squeeze blood from the proverbial stone that is marijuana tax if they hope to end this budget crisis.
This is some cryptic shit. +1 for all those jabs at minorities.
I’ve worked with individuals on the Autism Spectrum for ten years, and this is an amazing piece that helps explain the issues these people face. Thanks for the great read and for helping spread the knowledge. Getting tired of the new internet meta of calling people Autistic or referencing autistic “screeching”.
I was actually disappointed when I clicked and didn’t see a picture of a cricket’s abnormally large penis.
One of the dirtiest players in the league. Spears, late hits, slew-foots you name it. Not like he will learn at all. He never has...
I’m not offended by your highlight-truthing. Let’s just be happy with what we have! A great dunk! And anyway...if not for the defender elbowing him in the stomach, his hand is all over that rim.
This is bad kinja. Highlight truthing is bad kinja.
I have no reason to dislike anything Amy Schumer has ever done, because I am a rational human being with compassion. This special was terrible.
Username checks out.
That video is completely and totally “hockey”. It’s why I love it and why I try to explain it to everyone I see. Wish we heard more of these conversations.
It is extremely important that we recognize the struggles of women through the years. Issues involving health care and income haven’t gone away and the won’t without serious introspection. We can’t forget that in 1998 The Undertaker threw Mankind 16 feet off of Hell in a Cell through an announcer’s table.
Because, money. Ubisoft prints it.
Keep covering it. Haters gonna keep hating. I love finding out the ins and outs of big time and small time sports. Deadspin has and will be my place for that. Those fucks took my gawker away from me. LEAVE DEADSPIN ALONE!!!!
Idiot officers.
Mandated at 30. Anything less than 30 for a few seconds is an auto drop from the p2p servers. Runs pretty smooth on console, PC depends on your machine.
Paragraphs, please!