
good kinja.

He didn’t even glance down at the ground. Dude’s a freak.

Lefties will never understand New York Sports Media.

I hate saying this, but Bill Belicheats.

Confusing headline!


One of my friends asked me after the game yesterday, “Why would the opposing CB ask for ODB’s gloves?”

Holy shit.

Don’t be salty about your lack of proper punctuation. 1/10 bridges.

If you flatten the skin around a mosquito by pinching outward when it sticks his proboscis in, you can make them pop because they get stuck in the skin as you stretch it out. Boy Scout Camp ‘98 represent.

Blizzard has had this attitude to “competition” since it started. There is a reason why Blizzard always comes out on top. Even with the new popularity of MOBAs, Blizzard will never go away (see: overwatch). Accept Blizzard as your new savior.

Leeroy Jenkins was not 90s. Your point resonates, though. They sounded very dumb.

If it takes two chickens an hour to lay five eggs, how long will it take a donkey to kick the seeds out of a watermelon?

I’ll take that as a check and a checkmate. Good day, sir!

Logical doesn’t always mean that it is correct. Allow me to teach you what you failed to learn in school. Typically, -ed is used as an ending for past tense words. Endings are not a phonics issue, but a grammar issue. So nice try using terms you don’t fully understand. Phonics has to do with the sound of words, not

The sound of the joke going right over your head.

Just google it, dude. It’s not worth my time explaining shit you clearly choose to ignore.

Speaking of being pedantic, you said “payed attention”. The correct way would be to say, “paid attention”. The issue was not about phonics. It was about you being wrong about the first commenter. Seacrest, out.

It’s almost as if the MOBA genre started with a Blizzard game.....

Your replies show your ineptitude. If you are going to be that stupid, you are gonna need a better poker face.