Rattleface Blouses

Perhaps that's what Texas saw in the sky last week.

I would've been thoroughly convinced the interior was from ze elite German autos, if the Skoda badges were removed. That is a nice car, and one we will never have... Thanks a lot, VAG.

That's not a burnout, that's just an electrical fire.

Dude, I'm Down To Fart 24/7... Problem?

I would drive a P1800 for 3 million miles, or until either the car or me bite the dust.

Thank God there are people who have seen blazing saddles.

As an S10 owner and enthusiast, this just retarded. Actually, it doesn't matter what kind of car enthusiast you are (unless you're clinically insane), this is just retarded.

That's what the car was meant for. I'm sure Enzo spins in his grave when the fruits of his labor are confined to garages.

On one hand I like how understated it looks. One the other, that chrome grille is way too much. Easy on the lip injections, Mercedes.

She cray as ****!

Uh, this is a car enthusiast website. Jus'sayin'.

I would totally be on board with Catholicism if the Popemobile was an SLS.

It's a warning flash from the Planet X aka Nibiru! IT'S COMING TO TAKE OUR LIVES BWAAAAAAAH!

Now playing

Sometimes, Brubeck's ticker sang in 7/4 exemplified by "Unsquare Dance".

The listing is in Portland, and I live just south of the Portland Metro... WHY DO I HAVE TO BE TOO POOR TO BUY THIS?!

As difficult as it is to say, BMW needs Chris Bangle back. This car looks Hooydonkulous.

Dumb. That's what you call it.

What I'm seeing is a car that before being put under the knife, so to speak, never took itself too seriously. Because of that, I say the whacky paint job only affirms its personality. I certainly would never take a car with that hideous of a front-end seriously.

I'm brought to tears because of this question. Do I swear my unfaltering allegiance to the bowtie, or abandon ship to heed the siren's V10 song?

What time are the races? I may join if I'm not already working.