Rattleface Blouses

The piloerection I got from watching that 911 Carrera race off-road...

I don't see why Jaguar wouldn't make a hardtop F-type. Without it, it seems like they aren't realizing the car's full potential in the market.

You win three(3) internets.

I had a dream, that GT5-related news would be without Forza-related comments, and vice versa.

Funny man over here.

Heck yeah! Forget about what her stance is on political crap, she's the wife of a racecar driver! Vote her in!

I would also like to point out that if this site didn't acknowledge quality photography, then yeah it would just be a pure car site and you'd be right.

It actually feels good. Come at me, pleb.

You don't need a lot of photo know-how to appreciate or discuss a great photograph. If people kept to themselves, the likes of Ansel Adams would never be as famous as they are.

Hey guys let's actually talk about the quality of the photograph instead of,"Hurr would not drive" or,"Durr totes would drive" for a change.

A new Cayman is comin'? I'm already cumin'.

She must've thought Obama was going to take away all the cheese via executive order.

I think this gif has been downloaded and uploaded so many times it's losing quality.

Needlessly harsh? Not harsh enough. As Ronnie Johns puts it, "Hard the f*** up!".

Woah, she's moving to rap? Dat Swift Tay.

Maybe if people voted for a 3rd party candidate like Johnson, and got 5% of the popular vote, you god-dang asinine jackass 'mericans wouldn't be bitching bout Oh-bahma or Mott Romnoy.

M-B has good taste.

I cried manly tears.

Orlove knows my feel, bro.

I agree. I lived in the DFW area for a little while, and the highway system all kinds of retarded.