Truer words were never spoken. Developers who cater to their audience are slaves to them rather than slaves to their imagination. The game industry, actually the entire arts & entertainment industry needs more people like Ron Gilbert.
Truer words were never spoken. Developers who cater to their audience are slaves to them rather than slaves to their imagination. The game industry, actually the entire arts & entertainment industry needs more people like Ron Gilbert.
Hooray! If I pre-order a CoD tryhard game, I get the closer-to-being-CoD beta! Who cares about that silly game Bad Company, what with its more realistic bullet damage and overall better gameplay.
No. Just, no. Hell no. NO!
Yup. Thank our local legislators and brand marketing teams for that.
For the love of humanity, someone please put a diesel supercar in production! Audi didn't have the balls, so I hope Mercedes puts their soot where their mouth is.
Admit it, Matt Tryhardigree, you dun goofed saying Wangan Midnight is sillier than Initial D.
Judging by the fact it's from Getty, and from the way the car was shot I'm willing to guess Darren Heath is the photographer? He's phenomenal behind the lens.
I'm surrounded by Commie-Nazis!
You do realize the OP was the joke?
Yup, I'm just as much of a cantankerous old geezer as you when it comes to the zombie fad. It was neat for awhile, but I got over it after Mr. Bath Salts.
Top that with the fact Russian led TVR is being sent to the grave makes a terrible day.
I'm disturbed by the two drumsticks coming out of the fly. One would've sufficed but even then that's too much to look at on Halopneek.
Photographing anything in an interesting environment is a trend.
Now THAT'S real creative photography. Jalopnik, you need more GF Williams in your life.
I know it was quite clear in other videos about the Huayra, but can anyone explain that demonic, deep sort of grunt the Huayra makes on upshift? Is that the turbo tuning that Chris pointed out?
It's ok, it's not like anyone in America is going to buy those cars anyway.
That's some hardcore anarcho-capitalist talk, I like it. However, if putting lines in the road was a totally privately funded project, I'd be okay with it.
That is a fantastic write-up. Thanks Raphael! I had no idea Duntov had his eye on the possibility of a MR or RR successor.
Irrelevant. Laguna Seca Blue.