Jesus, talk about taking things seriously. It was a joke.
Jesus, talk about taking things seriously. It was a joke.
Will you be my friend!!!
Bow to your new god !!!
Alright, we're back to normal. On a half-related note, this stance with massive camber scene is getting tiring.
Not so easily, champ !!!
Those headlights are badass, Mitsubishi should've done 'em like that.
Or slow news day, perhaps?
Do you have a budding split personality or something?
Doesn't this belong to Gawker, or io9 or anything besides Jalopnik?
I know Fast Lane Daily has "Dumbass Tuesday", but can Jalopnik have a "Dumbass Thursday"?
I don't think so, scooter!
That's the goal. We shall see.
Don't you have some some flowers to shoot up-close artsy?
I know a person or two in WAT. Hopefully we can run his X1/9 in the near future.
Are you a Mussaman kind of guy? I'm more biased toward Panang. With chicken, it absorbs the flavor of the curry, almost enhances the flavor of the dish all together.
You forgot 4) it is Florida
That's creepy as hell.
Read: Not worth it.