Absolutely was not legal. Then again, we're becoming a police state so perhaps.
Yup, that's where I lost almost any interest in this game. It's takes after Dirt 2's brotastic environments.
I'd like to add the interstates that lead from the high Mojave to Los Angeles metro to that list.
So will any other place in the U.S. unless you get caught or kill yourself.
First off, I understand this more of a casual, action based game. That being said, I still vehemently oppose their belief that car culture is nothing but youth, and that every sports car goes to some festival full of twenty-something bros listening to house/wubwubstep.
Ridiculously good value, even just for it's rarity in the States. I have never seen a Manta from Oregon to Texas, and at 2 grand this thing is an absolute steal.
It's not bad, but assuming a lot of Texans will be attending, and considering the very low cost of living in Texas, it shys on the pricy side. I still think it's a great deal, I just hope I'll have enough saved up by November to fly over, stay at a hotel and watch the race.
That's pathetic. That's like telling an artist to do what he wants, as long as it's done the way the viewer wants it done.
Who cares about world hunger, homelessness, LGBT rights, or the increasing number of suicide in this country? A commenter is taking time to commit a logical fallacy, goddamn it, let's do something about it and take a stand!
Citing "Retake Mass Effect" is wrong. That shouldn't have happened because that's the way Mass Effect 3 was written. Surely there wasn't a "Retake Lord of the Rings", or "Retake Firefly" movement, because people didn't complain about the ending or how the story was told.
That's the beautiful thing about top quality leather. It begins to tell a story with age.
The certain mileage does raise a good point. Say it's beyond its lifecycle, and to keep it running would cost more than the car. Turn to the left, and it precisely combusts in the most capable areas. A german funeral pyre.
It can't, because it's German i.e. Spontaneous combustion is deemed too illogical, emotional and imprecise.
I just got a piloerection.
Expensive troll, but someone in the UAE has to do it at some point.
Bright tan leather isn't my thing, but that looks fantastic. It compliments Spyker's sort-of inspiration from aviation.
I wonder if anyone has caught on to that, and replaced the Cadillac badges with Mercedes.
I can look beyond the 3-speed, chugging gas as hard as a frat party chugs beer and William Lyons lack of approval. For the price, the looks and the potential it has, I give it a NP.