
Rating are released about mid-day the day after. Trump claims he gets ratings before they’re released, and it’s a proven lie because the “Monday Night Football” NFL game had higher ratings than it has in the past. He is actually standing in front of the world and lying about ratings being low. Ratings have gone up


It’s not about the troops. Not everything about the anthem or flag is directly connected to THE TROOPS. Haha, what the hell is with you guys and the fuckin’ troops?

The more important note is that kneeling during the anthem is not intended to show disrespect for troops, nor does it actually disrespect troops.

So you fixed the gender issue without, might I add, noting the change. But you still think people shouldn’t be upset that the cops shot them, just because they were suicidal? So now where ok, with cops shooting the mentally ill?

This is a bad take.

First, what is your issue with someone’s preferred pronoun? Why does it matter to you?

The switch is more powerful than the Wii U which itself had more power than the 360 did. It’s a half step below the Xbox One, but I’m still blown away that they got it to work. Even as a dev... Nintendo is nailing it this year.

Yes the guy who is leading the charge for medicare for all should definitely take a step back

I thought she sounded arrogant and stubborn in the interview, which is not that surprising since those tendencies likely contributed to her losing in the first place. She had smart answers but also seemed unwilling to accept that her “smart” approach actually wasn’t all that smart in a changing America. Sounded like

I (and many others) voted for her but just wish she would move on and allow the (D) party to heal enough to have a chance in the upcoming midterms in 2018. The Bernie/Hillary wars have done an immense amount of damage to the ranks. Unless this party and all its opposing factions can come together within the next 12-14

Prince Anders is likely one of Princess Jasmine’s many suitors that early in the movie gets bit by her tiger and calls Aladdin a “worthless street rat”. In other words, a villain and a bit part at that. Complaining about Prince Anders is probably like complaining that Dr Watson and Gollum are in Black Panther.

To everyone who reflexively complained about Harris’s critics over the past few months: This is why leftist criticism is not only good, but necessary. The more you defend your centrist idols, the longer it will take them to adopt common-sense and wildly popular progressive positions like single-payer. I applaud

Here through a facebook link?

You did see the part where someone specifically emailed him to tell him he was looking forward to it among the misery, right? And that mostly this is all in good fun for laughs

The Globo-Corpo-Homo-Judeo establishment. Honestly that sounds fantastic. I want in. I’m going to start using that for positive things.

Can you imagine if this was BLM or Standing Rock literally pushing and trying to physically fight riot cops?

Sounds like it’s real mature over there on PC...

The worst gaming communities are primarily PC games.

I disagree since I’m able to find plenty of people through XBox One’s LFG system and the majority are not kids.