The most pro-police candidate from either party.
fuck off. Any troop removal is a good thing. Who cares how he came to that decision
Toilet Penis
I’ve always planned on buying the game. It would just be nice to be playing now!
A lot of people are playing this right now. The switch piracy reddits have instructions, but I’m too scared. No one really knows how Nintendo detects hacked Switches.
Do you just get RSS alerts or are you constantly refreshing kinja pages so you can be the first one to post an always very funny joke? What would kinja be without you posting “Orange Cheeto In Chief Drumpf” after every fucking article?
As long as I never have to see that despicable me avatar guy or the milton berle cock guy ever again.
I could not get through the 4th paragraph. The italics and the fuckin middle school writing.
Glad the #resistance is finally doing something.
Panera Bread fucking sucks
Yeah that’s a thing now for new save files. Got mine in my 3rd system.
Who gives a shit about soccer rivalries in the United States?
IMO they should never know peace and quiet again.
Honestly want to buy their merch now. God bless them.
My god that list is peak neolib
Is this a Property Brother?
If you liked our fish out of water tropes from the first movie, wait til you see this one!! Please disregard that Marvel already did this with Captain America. And maybe in this one you’ll be able to recall what the villain looks like.
Bower Jr. much, Kirk?
Any word on crossplay with other platforms?