
I can’t understand how anyone is still playing Destiny and hasn’t raided. We all want an in game LFG tool, but until then the existing sites are very easy to use and find a group quickly. There is a subreddit of raid “sherpas” who love to guide new raiders through it too.

The kids just aren’t into baseball.

“Awesome grind of a game with zero margin of error on both sides”

Remember you can make it pretty much anything because Blizzard adds a random 4 digit number to the end.

It’s coming to Xbox One. Not sure about PS4

Gotta have this Pidgey buddy to powerlevel!

Looked up the artist and he’s done this same statue (but slightly smaller) for a Hungarian soccer team.

Tony should stay in his lane

WoD left us with the worst content drought ever, and I think a majority of players consider it kind of a trash expansion. Pandaria was better in almost every way.

Just came to say Carly Rae Jepsen’s EMOTION was the best pop album of 2015. She’s releasing a “B-Side” to it this week that you should look out for.

🎶The boys are back in WoW🎶

Dude is back in the race now, in 7th place still!

Lochte had to doodoo

The funny thing is that Andrew Luck is mediocre and would have shit numbers in any other division.

This seems like a pretty cool $30 indie early access game. I can only hope for a ton of patches and the inevitable Xbox release.

No one is touching her record anytime soon. I wish she had done some tricks instead. Touch the bottom or something

All of the defensive “Yeah its single player, so what!” comments are weird and fanboyish.

Atlanta’s diving had a roof, but yeah it was open air. It's now the GA Tech aquatics center and is fully closed in.

Despite owning nearly all of them, the only Zelda game I’ve finished is Twilight Princess.

I always go to Sears if I'm desperate for a game before street date. The Sears at this defunct mall near me is so sad and empty, but always very happy to make a sale and override the computer. Ordering from Amazon will sometimes get you a game a day early too.