What if the whole game had Dark Zone rules? -Except for instanced mission and raid areas. That seems to be the coolest thing about this.
What if the whole game had Dark Zone rules? -Except for instanced mission and raid areas. That seems to be the coolest thing about this.
I bought Black Ops 3, because 2 friends did and GameStop was giving 50% extra trade in credit. I haven’t played a COD since the first Black Ops on Xbox 360.
This reminds me of Banjo Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts. Loved messing around in that game.
That’s a hellish amount of stickers, but an absolutely beautiful set. I like this trend of big, nostalgic play sets like the Ghostbusters HQ.
Just a damn garbage bag hanging from a doorknob.
Just a damn garbage bag hanging from a doorknob.
I like this theme! I’ll probably just pick up a couple of the figure packs since I’m more into minifigs and licensed sets. That green knight’s armor makes a perfect power armor for Green Lantern.
I’m eager to see what he does next. What does this mean for MGS? And the fox engine?
A PC that could crank stuff out in 4K at 60 FPS would be cool. I'd also be happy with my old GBA library. What a great handheld
It was the intro music wasn't it?
The creators changing a camera angle is not “censorship”. If Sony or ESRB came down and made Capcom change it, that would be censorship.
Remember when Tebow won it twice? lol
The picture quality isn’t great, but I see both newer and older varieties of orange trans at top right.
There’s a Hulu original show about mascot dudes. The UNLV guy is a punchable jackass who is failing half his classes. The high schooler with aspergers that dresses as a tree is worth watching though.
Quarterbacks can wear sleeves cut to *any* length. I'm stupid but I'd love to see some long-ass sleeves whippin around and slinging the ball.
Your reading preferences don’t define journalism. Anyways, Kotaku has written about all of the above.
I'd guess Reggie or Bill Trinen will lead the direct, with segments from a few creators and maybe an introduction by the new president.
If people like this get annoyed and leave the community, that will only improve it.
The salty tears of the PC overlords got on my special edition COD controller and high latency TV.
If we're including handhelds, all iterations of the Game Boy Advance looked great.