
You forgot to mention Deliver us the moon! They have one as well :P ...

This sounds very interesting, looking forward to experience all the changes

Can we please stop seeing his ugly cheating mug? Why is he getting so much attention and fame? You know you’re just rewarding him for doing the bad thing right?

Yea the song is pretty decent, everything else... just looks weird...

With all due respect, why the hell are these articles on Kotaku? I visit this website for gaming, not to get my day ruined with real life stuff.

Final Fantasy XII on the PS2 :D

You’re not installing the right mods then!!

As much as i adore the elder scrolls serie, this news really leaves me cold :/

It’s amazing how we always get the games we dont want and never get the games we actually want, even if they are remakes.

The only thing i see is: Free advertisement for Overwatch...

These articles make me even more depressed and fearful. As i’m 33 and never had a relationship and seeing so many people having so many serious issues finding/maintaining one... really demotivates and discourages me big time.

Spoilers for a fighting game? What? There’s already been so much previews... for a fighting game that covers already 90% of it...

Since when is this news? Happens all the time and youtube/9gag is full of videos like this... you chose to leave that precious stuff inside a box with a small door... it’s totally up for grabs to anyone.

Finally some love for doggies. Damn overrated cats.

I wouldn’t be surprised if this was a publicity stunt. “Hey look at how many players are still playing and got annoyed by our ‘mistake’”
People banding up together and complaining to their friends and family. People getting interested in what’s going on and logging back in.
People in the capitals grouping up

Diablo II... immortal

I just finished the show last weekend... and i had alot of difficulty staying focused during a lot of the episodes. I found it extremely boring and overdramatised. I watched tons and tons of anime shows :P so i can tolerate and sit through a lot of crap, but this was just not interesting.

Been using my xbox360 controller for ages now, even after my wireless receiver broke down and i had to weld it again to fix it :D Buying the xbox360 was one of my best console purchases.

Why the hell is this a thing.... and why the hell is this on kotaku... out of interesting news?

The sad thing is that most of these are very old games, a dying genre but still my favorite... But hey I’ll never grow tired of playing Diablo II