Raoul Raoul

In a few days, the US death toll from COVID-19 will double the US military deaths from the Vietnam War (58,000)*, which took seven or so years to reach. At about the same time, it will equal the number of US military deaths from World War I (about 116,000), a number that also includes deaths of servicemen from the

A similar argument (so incompetent he helped save the Union!) can be made for Hood. At the Battle of Franklin, the brash and bold Hood ordered a frontal assaults on Union breastworks; James M. McPherson wrote, “Having proved even to Hood’s satisfaction that they could assault breastworks, the Army of Tennessee had

I had forgotten John Stockwell was in Top Gun, but I definitely remembered him as the protagonist in City Limits, which came out in 1985, the same year as My Science Project. (City Limits is most famous for being featured on Mystery Science Theater 3000, which called the movie “James Earl Jones at the low point in

It would be helpful if the non-sequels were separated from the rest, wouldn’t it?

I know this has probably been suggested before, and I doubt this will get out of the grays, but some organization (other than by release date) would make Bookshelf Injection posts more helpful to me — grouping them into original novels / first in series, sequels, nonfiction, and short fiction collections seems like

McLendon-Covey will play brilliant A.I.M. scientist Monica Rappaccini, Bennet will play tech company executive Austin Van Der Sleet (he’s trying to take over A.I.M. from M.O.D.O.K.), Daly will play the Super Adaptoid (hey, an actual guy from the comics!)

It turns out the final DD count was Brad 10 (four correct, six incorrect), Ken 8 (seven correct, one incorrect), and James 6 (five correct, one correct), but it certainly felt a lot more lopsided for Brad. Probably because he hit four of six on the first day, or maybe because he missed as many as James hit.

Ken was the one who I would have bet against most. He’d never beaten Brad, and James’s style seems designed to kick holes in Ken’s cautious gameplay. But it turned out James’s style pushed Ken into a more daring strategy — one Ken has said in the past is probably better than his caution — and ... well. It took only

not unlike Debratha, the first time she saw Bradley the Helpful Firefighter limpid and nude in the tumescent light of dawn

That could be a problem. When breaking Senate ties with his vote, Vice President Incitatus would be able to vote “neigh” only, no matter the issue.

It’s about as significant as Wolverine #1000, Deadpool #1000, and Spectacular Spider-Man #1000. Well, slightly more significant, I suppose, but it makes as much sense as those three.

You’re giving them at least twice as much credit as they deserve.

In the original series, Lucky Yates was one of the regulars, filling various roles. Will he be back, and if so, will the show make any references to his subsequent role as Algernop Krieger on Archer?

That’s Doctor Psycho, a traditionally Wonder Woman villain who has psychic powers.

The comparison between Renko and Gunther is an apt one; I’ve read all the Renko novels, but it didn’t occur to me. Gunther — in March Violets, at least — seems more willing to bend in some ways than Renko. I might be misremembering, though.

+1 horn.

I’m reading the second book in Steph Cha’s Juniper Song series, with the third book of the trilogy to follow. Liking it so far, but I’m wary of the “Hollywood scandal” direction Beware Beware is taking.

I’ve never found Wolfe’s works to be to my liking, unfortunately. What do you think changed between your first reading of the first Long Sun book and now?

My memory — which was mostly wrong — was that Carol followed Mar-Vell as part of her job, and then, while doing hero stuff like trying to save Mar-Vell or fighting the villain, she was hit by the Psyche Magnitron explosion during a fight between Mar-Vell.

Well, Linda McMahon and Donald Trump have something in common besides their money: They’ve both been victims of the Stone Cold Stunner.