Raoul Raoul

Well, Linda McMahon and Donald Trump have something in common besides their money: They’ve both been victims of the Stone Cold Stunner.

The intersection between BBC podcasts and Jeopardy! is the Radio 4 Quiz, which rotates between three competitions: Brain of Britain (general knowledge), Counterpoint (music), and the Round Britain Quiz (puzzle / allusions). Right now only the Round Britain Quiz is available; for an example of the type of questions

When I first tried out for the college tournament 2+ decades ago, I made it to the mock game / interview. I wasn’t sure how I did, but I knew that even though I did better than some people in my session — the college tournament in those days had four sessions each at four different sites — one guy there did better

To be clear, Kentucky is two states and a solid 1,000 miles away from the Mexico border.

I think this article has engendered more enthusiasm than the new MacGyver — which I will point out is still on the air, in its third season — has. I mean, The Simpsons, even in their most desperate levels, hasn’t even referenced the new MacGyver for a cheap / meta Patty and Selma joke. (If they have, I’ve forgotten

The concept is more than a little reminiscent of the ‘70s Marvel comic Skull the Slayer, in which a Vietnam vet disappears into the Bermuda triangle on a plane with a few others; he gets a magic belt, fights dinosaurs and aliens and ancient Egyptians and all sorts of crap, and it all adds up to nothing. There’s also a

And what about Roy Green, who was also a defensive back?

Probably my fondest food memory of childhood — certainly the fondest that I haven’t tried to recreate — was my mother mixing chocolate almond bark, mini-marshmallows, and peanuts, and then dropping blobs of the concoction onto wax paper to cool. The results were not elegant or attractive, but I loved those things,

After busting through the Dragonlance Chronicles trilogy last month (as bad as I expected, although it still had its moments, and not as bad as I feared), I’m reading two books now:

No, no, let me explain the concept: That’s Nick Nolte, cosplaying George R.R. Martin ... as The Prisoner.

I’ve stuck with Allison’s work, and although I don’t think Bad Machinery is is best, I’m still enjoying it. I’m also looking forward to the first collection of his new Boom! series, By Night.

There are a couple of Hallmark Christmas movies that star Katrina Law, better known as Nyssa al Ghul, a member of the League of Assassins, on Arrow.

When Darcy goes home for the holidays

[*Editing - because I can for a change - to say that nearly every Spidey villain created by Stan goes on a favorites list too: Vulture, Doc Ock, Rhino, Kangaroo, Gibbon, Kingpin... Man Mountain Marko.... I mean. Dozens just from Amazing Spider-man’s first couple years.*]

Given the spread of the fingers, I’m guessing it’s in imitation of a trident, which is usually held by Arizona State’s Sun Devil mascot.

I just finished The Traitor Baru Cormorant by Seth Dickinson, and next I’m going to re-read the Dragonlance Chronicles.

Why is there only one polling place in a city of 27,000 people? I grew up in a township of less than 600 people, with a population density of less than 16 people per square mile. Because the township had half of a town (split down the middle with the neighboring county) with a total population of 63, we had two

Shirley Jackson - The Haunting of Hill House. I had no idea this was being made into a series. I haven’t watched it, but I can’t imagine how they can stretch the material so much.