Raoul Raoul

I would have said unloading Tuco's gun was the key. But I can't deny the power of the Ennio Morricone soundtrack.

Rick Deckard knows 300 words for rain.

Why is greyhounds' speed from the experiment measured in miles per hour, but the cheetahs' is measured in meters per second? Was there a reason for achieving maximal confusion?

It explains the wide-eyed, slack jawed look of terror the skull has in the top picture.

Sphere by Michael Crichton is an average sort of potboiler until the end ... but those last few lines caught me off guard.

I am shocked — shocked — no one has referenced this:

Also, shouldn't the Rogue ensemble have, you know, more green to it? That's been a prominent color of her costumes over the years.

My first reaction was to hearken back first sentence of the paragraph, that of training nurse practitioners to perform abortions. I've had a wisdom tooth yanked — by a dental surgeon — and if it happens again, I do not want the dental equivalent of a nurse practitioner performing the procedure. I want someone who has

I was going to say it belonged in the article on Mork and Mindy porn movie. But not a joke, per se.

The robot, as pointed out below, is Tik Tok from the move Return to Oz. (And the Oz books, for that matter.) I think the one with the misshapen head is Sloth from The Goonies.

Jack Vance started the Demon Princes series, his best sci-fi works, in the '60s. The first three novels — The Star King, The Killing Machine, and The Palace of Love — came out during that decade. These aren't really emblematic of the '60s; as all his works are, these novels suggest Vance and Vance alone. But they're

Indeed. Evidently being a former movie set is more important than location (or anything else).

Also, some experts think the Iliad is describing PTSD when Homer says Ajax went mad under Athena's spell, slaughtering a herd of sheep that he thought were the enemy, and then killing himself.

Yeah, but that was Bart Sears's fault, surely. That stuff is still seared on my eyeballs, and I read it three years ago. Remember Priest for Black Panther and Quantum and Woody.

I've seen better Ford commercials too. But now I know which car I need to steal if I have to run down and flip a Dodge Charger on the streets of San Francisco.

Ah, but was it as emphasized as much as the fine Ford family of automobiles? I think not.

And I grew up in a dry county in southern Illinois that isn't marked. It's a flawed map, especially since the entirety of Georgia is marked "I dunno."

Bayezid II, Sultan of the Ottoman Empire, sent the lance fragment and a yearly monetary tribute of approximately 4,000 ounces of gold to Pope Innocent II in exchange for indefinitely holding the Sultan's brother and pretender to the Turkish throne, Prince Jem, as a prisoner in Rome.

It might be unwise. But that's also not something a bunch of local-yokel treasure hunters are going to think of on their first real dig.

The diggers struck a solid block. Believing it to be a treasure chest and a sign of success only feet away, the workers stopped for the day.