
Nice catch.

There is a brief period where you can jump back in and avoid the queue, yes.

My guild was put on Kinrath Spider for the pre-release, and when we got on it had become the unofficial Brazilian server. A ton of guilds including mine had to either jump ship (which we did) or learn Portuguese.

Am I the only one who chuckled a little when I read "Infidel Inc."?

PC anywhere? Think it is pretty obvious what the main application of this will be.

The expansion is not released to anyone. This is probably in-house testing footage or from one of the few press events they did showcasing the expansion.

I bought a pair of the normal Crossfade LP headphones, and I love them. Can only assume these are as good or better.

Ha, I remember reading that here on Giz as well.

I actually have a full sized store in my town in a strip mall.

Most of the base iOS 5 betas were released OTA after they enabled it, so I can only assume that this is the case for any future beta releases. For the sake of the post, though, it is probably better for them to take the screen cap off of the Apple Developer download site that people are familiar seeing.

When my year long free student account was expiring at the beginning of this year, I was able to upgrade to full prime for only $40 or keep with a half year free for students. It was worth it for the extended year, streaming and other things included with the paid subscription.

No they are just those default fake app icons.

Yes. Some solar plants use actual solar panels that put out electricity (aka what most people put on their roofs). Others use mirrors that super heat minerals on top of a tower which in turn heat water and produce steam which turns a turbine.

You realize it doesnt come out until tomorrow, right?

Thats not the point. I dont have to have unlimited texting to get the subsidized price, or any texting plan at all for that matter. It is like a tree charging you an exorbitant price for oxygen that is just a byproduct of something they are already doing. (Maybe not the most logical example, but all I could think of.)

Was I the only one who heard a male voice in the UK demo of Siri from a few days ago?

What they really need to focus on is the cost vs charged price for things such as texting. As long as my mobile internet works well, I dont care what they call it. I do care that they're charging 5000% of the cost for each text message sent.

Guess who the first two people I sent a card to were? Didn't even have to change the card, just different addresses.

I just found this out as well. Was trying to get a good picture to test out the Cards app and ended up with 10 pictures in my Photo Stream that I could not delete either from the phone or from iPhoto on my Mac. Doesn't make sense.