
It doesn't actually say cheaper iPods, iPads or Macs although they sometimes get discounts. Referring more to accessories and cases I bet (see "dozens of iPad, iPod and Mac gifts for everyone").

@doomsquirrel: Do some research before you post. This helps a lot with the iPhone 3G issues related to iOS4

@WingedGenius: A good time for me also because I just signed up for MobileMe but I'm still on the 'Free 60 Day Trial' instead of instantly paying the $100. I'm using it to host a small website w/ iWeb tho, I doubt they're giving everyone a 20gig iDisk for free.

@Bisnicks: Yeah, thats one of the main reasons the three vertical lights are still the most common

So true. I never seem to have more than one movie in my DVD queue at any given time tho so when I get one it ends up sitting around on my desk for weeks even after I watch it. Best thing with Netflix now is instant watch, hands down.

@Dodge2002: They seem to REALLY want us to buy one of those shirts. (Must get stuck with the extra inventory after the sale) Haha. Still think a black shirt w/ the basic logo would sell better.

Dont know if you guys just copy-paste these from other sources, or they write it up for you, but:

@kwellman: Well, for one thing you need to wait until all the apps have been updated to work with 4.2 on iPad before you start saying it doesn't work. I know some have already updated, but many are probably waiting until public release. Also, you're never going to get native flash on the iPad so it is kind of

@Pimanrules: That would be the most amazing iOS game....

Still hope they realize how stupid it is to make us pay another $30 for the iPad version when we already paid $30 for the iPhone app that has the quality of watching a video compressed for dial-up.

@ebotee: They have said that you'll have to buy it again for iPad, which is ridiculous because the quality on the iPhone version is hardly watchable as it is.

Space Miner is one of the best iOS games I've played in a while (got it when it first came out). Wish they would add an iPad version

Overall, I enjoyed #3 the most. #1 is pretty awesome but sounds like a "Welcome back from the break" song you'd play during a late night talk show of some sorts (or the #whitenoise podcast, maybe you guys should work something out and get 'whitenoise' in there somehow!)

@rogger_frogger: Depends. Some use a corn starch type medium and print the model layer after layer (which is probably what this is for). Others place layers of plastic or some other material as it scans up from the model. CNC machines take a block and use many types of cutters to do the "Take a block of wood, cut away

@Frazzlet: There is a little window that you can turn on that displays your Online Contacts. I'm using that in the same place where I usually kept the original program

@Memnon: He also had an affair between Episodes III and IV with someone who was training at the Jedi Temple the same time he was. [starwars.wikia.com]