LoL! Indeed!
LoL! Indeed!
Ahh, I'll work on that. I always try to talk to her but it's always the same conversation. The one that ends with "I might do more than catch you kelly" LoL!
I haven't gotten that far or at least haven't come across those missions yet. Hope I didn't miss them.
LoL!! I'll look into that! ;)
I apologize to all the women out there in Kotakuland in advance. No disrespect intended. Although isn't that what people say right before they hand out some disrespect?! Anyway...
I love the game. It's definitely a great time killer and the graphics and animations are top notch for an iPhone game.
I know this is number 1 on many peoples list of complaints.
Thanks ;)
I was wondering the same thing! If you find out how to get rid of it, please message me at some point. :)
I have NBA Jam for iPhone and sure as shit, Origin has been integrated. There's no choice either, it's there whether we like it or not. :(
LoL! Gotta love Moore comparing 2004 Steam technology to 2012 Origin. Absolutely not even close to the same ballpark my friend. The advancements in broadband and computing alone makes this excuse invalid. Not to mention Origin is a revamped EA store which has been around for 7 years or something. Ugh... If I didn't…
I thought that might have been the case. That's ok because I don't use sound through it. Thanks.
Noob question: recently got a new pc. my old pc used a DVI to HDMI cord. I'm currently using the same cord for the new PC. Is it better to run HDMI to HDMI? or is the difference minimal with DVI to HDMI?
I want a falling death animation that takes me all the way to a splatastic finish! ala Mortal Kombat pit death!
Ohh nice, my Birthday! Now I know what to ask for! :)
Eww, that's about as cheesy as it gets. But I am ultimately compelled to watch it at some point. btw, is that Sarah Palin?
*Spoiler for Walking Dead ahead*
Name a company who can...
Precisely! ... note to self, word things better.