
Came here to make the same comment. Love Uplink.

Thanks, that makes sense. In my case, I still think the right stick is used more than the face buttons. I can't remember its use in XCom though. Not much in Ni No Kuni, except for minor camera control.

No, you are, but your comment comes across as more than an opinion (I do agree though that it isn't the 90's anymore). And if you didn't own a PS3 and a Wii (even) or anything else with a PS3-like controller, your opinion - effectively based on comparison - would be nearly worthless. My opinion: your

How do you hold your controller? I don't think there is a wrong or right way, however you want to play is fine. But if you hold it the typical way, your thumbs should never collide.

Just curious. Which games are you playing that use the left button pad more than the stick?

How linear do you think this is? I couldn't get a very good feel with the limited gameplay and trailers. I loved Uncharted 1 and 2 (didn't like 3), and the linearity was never a negative for me, but I would love for The Last of Us to be a bit more open.

Now that I've watched the video I see what you mean about the joke. It did turn into an awkward moment and the two developers gave each other vulnerable looks. I was probably primed by your comment, but I think there's a good chance that you're right.

I haven't watched the video yet so I can't comment on your Keighley joke, but playing a gradually and irreversibly transforming character would be pretty engaging, I think. An evolution of gameplay where it becomes more and more difficult to avoid attacking others, ultimately the young girl (forgot her name), would be

Did Burch choose Tina's voice and lingo because he thought that that is how crazy people talk? Yes? Then it's an ignorant mockery (and racist if he associates the language with black people).

Luke, my subjective opinion on how a skull mask (or child's halloween costume) makes the killing worse than maskless killing: I think it comes down to the public perception of combat and its justification. Many people, especially those directly affected by military operations, would view this as an obvious display of

It makes it WORSE because occupations (read: jobs) of this nature

The Goliaths are hilarious. There is the line, "Satisfy me", and it sounds like they mispronounce it, like "Sastisfy me" or something. Maybe not, but I'd expect Goliaths to have some trouble pronouncing some words so I hear it that way. And hearing the midget Goliaths repeat the same lines with their high pitch voices

Very nice! That Hyper Hexagon score must be pretty high on the boards.

Congrats! You're a Hexagon Grandmaster. I want to see you break 10 minutes. Good luck!

Yup, seconds. I'm RainbowFrosty on the GameCenter leaderboards. There are some crazy scores. My best is only #9 worldwide in Hexagonest mode. I wish I could pull off what the guy in the video did. He must be totally locked in when he plays.

Sorry, for some reason I'm not getting notifications for replies. It took many tries to complete Hyper Hexagonest. And when I first started I was convinced it was impossible for me. Just keep trying. I'm betting that since your reply 11 days ago, you've already passed it.

This guy's awesome. He must be "AhMunnaEetChoo" on GameCenter. Looks like he has the top score in all stages except Hexagon. I suspect the two top scores in Hexagon are potential cheaters though as they are extreme outliers.

I can't wait either. But did the CVG reviewer say that Dishonored has less freedom than than Deus Ex? And that Deus Ex had too much freedom? I loved Deus Ex, but c'mon, it wasn't that flexible.

I always took "this" as short for "this coming". This February would be in 2013. Last February was this year. But it's not understood that way everywhere. It's your way here in Singapore too.