
Well now that this done and out hopefully I can't stop hearing about it and how it's the savior of the jrpg.

Or the real 3, or V, or XII, or Tactics, or a lot of other spin offs. And CC was out of order.

How am I trying to discourage people from buying it? I never said anything like people shouldn't buy it. I said only I'm not interested it thanks to the incredible over hyping this game has gotten.

Why wouldn't I get Titanfall? The game actually looks deserving of the hype and it's on platforms I actually care about.

Yeah pretty much. I really hate handhelds so I won't be buying the game. Plus all the hype the game has gotten has turned me off. It seems like the same hype Ni No Kuni got "oh it's saving jrpgs". I didn't hate the previous gen jrpgs to begin with. I simply don't see whats so great about Bravley Defualt. Just looks

That was funny. Brought a smile to my face. Don't really care what others have to say, XIII was good. Was and looks a hellva lot better then the jrpgs people keep losing thier shit over like Bravely Defualt. Can't wait tll Lightning Returns comes out.

Everyone is going ga-ga over this game and I just don't get it.

Well at least you did'nt forget that Reach was a game that actually existed. All the reviews for 4 seemed to ignore this game happened.

Well going by the latest trends, it seems like more and more Japanese console games are coming to PC.

Yes I miss them on consoles. They are on handhelds and whatnot.

I am happy. The PS3 is going out with style.

Well I really hope PS4 actually has Japanese developers. I doubt we will ever return to the days of PS2, but Jesus do I miss b level Japanese games.

Quite honestly, I have no problem with TNA. In fact if she had shorts like this:

I doubt the new Battlefront will have a third person mode.

BF3 and BF4 are good games. Bugs and whatnot suck, but it's not like DICE has made bad games.

I know the title didn't say it, but I thought this would be like things you can do with the system that you may not know about.

It's an anime based on a mascot for an ergo game maker who they sell dolls of where she is nude.

And you're a person who dosen't understand tone or direction.

I guess you've never heard the phrase "played straight" have you.