Sometimes we forget just how chaotic Europe’s geopolitical past was. Long before the Nazis or the Soviet Union…
Sometimes we forget just how chaotic Europe’s geopolitical past was. Long before the Nazis or the Soviet Union…
Never unsee. In the best possible way.
$1,200 for anything that runs halfway decently and isn’t rotted to hell is cheap motoring, with bonus points for working A/C and wagon utility. NP.
Exactly, break the stigma before they have a chance to learn it.
The true hope for humanity is my 5 year old son. He makes me turn off the radio and roll the windows down so he can listen to the car when we drive. Even when it’s freezing cold out.
2015 brought this beautiful beast into my stable. 1987 Chrysler LeBaron wagon with a SRT-4 swap, and a Mopar Stage 2 setup in it. Yes, this is the one that was on the NPOCP a few years ago. It’s everything I wanted it to be and more. I absolutely love driving it, it’s very comfortable, and fast. I had to fix a few…
“Continuation” production is the best thing to happen to the car world in a long time.
10. It cranks but won’t turn over
Nope, dynometer it is.
new QOTD.
Yeah the big names get the new 130s. Nice to see they’re still making new UH-60s. I flew Compass Call(EC-130H, really it’s a super E), when I was in and we had/have a bird that was made in ‘63. I think our youngest bird was 70 or 71.
Do you have any aloe gel? Because you just got burned.
Have you been watching *any* of the Presidential debates?
We fly the balls off all the workhorses we have. All that 35 money could probably have been spent refreshing the 130, 10, and helo inventories, and we’d have been better for it as a fighting force. Unfortunately I don’t have the clout to give nice posh executive kickbacks. So in stead we get 10s that have airframe…
Earlier today? I had jsut finished thinking “I like reading about motorcycles now... but i’ve only really ridden 1 and a half... and it was a ural”
and then BAM. This story.
Urals are boss. Lanesplitter is Boss. This Ride is Boss.
Monkey is Boss also.
Hey, don’t forget about the 2 Apache pilots who went down in South Korea yesterday. Sounds like they hit powerlines; RIP, guys, no more dawn patrols....
In the open desert, sure, use dumb bombs. But in a densely populated urban area? That’s apathetic at best, callous at worst.
not a single thing
The car-guy in my head is confused as to the “slightly more weight, less power thing”, but as someone who wants to start riding bikes ASAP, this takes the Scout up a notch in my book. I already wanted one, but now that I can get a starter bike with this much character for less than I thought? Shut up and take my…