I am in a unit with a fellow pilot... that I swear-to-gurd... looks like the short-haired version of that “NO RAGRETS” dude.
Naturally, I can no longer take that guy seriously.
He... also posts that meme knowing he looks like the guy. I enjoy it.
I am in a unit with a fellow pilot... that I swear-to-gurd... looks like the short-haired version of that “NO RAGRETS” dude.
Naturally, I can no longer take that guy seriously.
He... also posts that meme knowing he looks like the guy. I enjoy it.
It’s the dang truth; you are entirely too right. It was a lot easier to sell “Well, I managed about 20 folks and 30 contractors, responsible for around $800,000,000 worth of equipment at any time, HAZMAT experience/certification, contract management... etc.” over “I lift things up and put them down.”
I feel for you. It was discovered that I too was “Good at computers and stuff.” This was followed by a rapid transition from the field duties I signed up for, into an office-monkey position.
We may or may not have acquired a pallet of said beverage at some point...
... not saying we did or didn’t but I will say, it helps if your friends have a chinook and a ballsy E4 at their disposal.
This may or may not be how you acquire the materials required to build a pool near your hooches as well.
Not that any of…
1. With as much momentum as depleted uranium would have... yeah... your point about banged up junk stands.
2. What is she doing? Well... I got a few ideas I guess...
Hey, I like a few big girls too... but none of them has a 12'+ long 120mm either. Haha!
Your numbers are realistic. If I remember correctly, it was 72T operating weight that we used for shipping. And that was without ammo, minimal fuel, etc.
Hey, I did almost immediately state my missed opportunity to say “depleted uranium nads.”
Lycoming IO720 - Flat 8.
Yeti’s were property of more senior E-5's and above. They were filled with Monsters and Red Bulls. The Igloos were for the sham-union -mafia, and they were filled with Ripits.
Well I mean... floatin’ warehouses. Nothing real fancy about them. Would rather load those than any FSS, or Cape class in the fleet.
All that being said, when you haven’t had fried eggs in four months and the Captain invites your guys on board for breakfast... best g-damn eggs you ever had.
Good dudes on those ships.…
My only regret is not saying that they had “depleted-uranium nards.” Missed opportunities.
62 metric tons maybe. Modern Abrams are about 69 short tons (138,000 lbs)... plus three more tons of igloo coolers, american flags, bronze nads, and energy drinks.
Sorry... before my current job I was loading up LMSRs. That Abrams... She’s a big fat biatch...
Check please. *holds out his hand*
I can also do explosions.
How to become a not-so-funnycar...
That was hilarious, haha!
If I had the cash... I’d do it. I’d lose the wing though...
Eventually the structure itself will fail a fatigue inspection. It will either be auctioned off as is, after some light stripping (avionics, etc), or completely stripped and parted out, or... it could become a study bird (they may intentionally destroy it in a simulated crash to study it, etc).