
The G35s and G37s were the 350Z’s for those of us with a mortgage, responsibilities, and desire to not look like a complete knob.

They are fun cars. They have just enough GOFAST!, ability to corner well enough, and yet enough comfort for a road trip. Best of all, you could sell your wife on it because hypothetically,

I just like that this driving school also has a drive through for the students’ convenience.

Oh... it... doesn’t? Huh.

Agreed. And I also agree that (at least the concept of) the engines/transmissions in this 280 makes more sense than the Osprey.

I agree, but I would probably lean your opinion even earlier: Tilt rotors will win on efficiency in probably everything above about 90 kts. Us whirly birds hate being efficient at all. Haha!

Imagine for a moment that we utilized small drones (carryable-sized; like many quad copters) and utilized that platform for non-line-of-sight target designation.


All the boom without the risk of getting hit yourself!? Our forces would lose their damn minds.

Granted, by the time the Armed forces would get this

Grasshoppers and many smaller fixed wing birds earlier this century.
Beechcraft Super Kingair/C12
Most wheeled vehicles prior to the 1970’s, particularly smaller ones.
Mossberg 500
Baretta 92FS
LMSRs (many of which were formerly commercial vessels that were refitted)
Cape Class ships

Not all

I love the coaxial (with pusher) concepts from both physics, piloting, and performance standpoints. The tilt-rotors will still have the range (lower fuel consumption in cruise) and (most likely) the cruising speed as well.

I look forward to their up-sized variant coming online. I think it would be the most realistic

Agreed. Depending on how the target is able to be marked, this would represent a big ole gamechanger for my buds on the ground.

Loiter time: “Man, I can stand here literally all day.”
Communication with ground forces: “Dude, I *am* the ground force!”
Target designation: Similar(?)
CAS: “Don’t need ‘em. Got the missiles

Now playing

I would eeder eeder that like a bork bork.

That’s what happens when IEDs are buried too deep. Had that been closer to the surface, easily could have taken a few vehicles.

Now playing

There is no dodging what we see over there. You are either lucky, or you are hit.

They do have run-flats.

A large enough explosion (or a follow-up accident) can tear that out too though.

350/350... Holy shitballs that would be fun.

My exact fear of going to this area... damn manpads and LOTS of them.

/ helo pilot
// with requisite huge nuts
/// has majestic moustache
//// still not ready to die yet
///// MANPADS = grown-ass man tears followed by firey death.

I really... really... really hope this isn’t true.

If it is, than this has the potential to be the most lethal хуй-measuring-contest ever.

*gets his flight boots on*

Well... here we go again.


well played.

Right!? I have pumped through something like 25000 rounds by now of JUNK ammo of various calibers. I have had ONE... *ONE* primer fail out of all those centerfire rounds.

Nuts. Glad that was the round that failed in his case.

Dat tire pressure tho...