Thanks for the update.
Damned crazy that it was relatively close to a shoreline. We are talking minutes... probably less than a minute in-flight from seeing ground lights. Man.
It truly is.
It's one of the main reasons I crap-talk this airframe. It's a well-designed aircraft, but it wasn't well-designed for the missions they intend to use it for. You need coordination and probably two separate types of overwatch for the aircraft due to the demand for escort aircraft in theatre (except the…
AC130s, A10s, and if available near the landing site, the new Cobras (Vipers I think they are called now) or Apaches will cover them. Depends on the mission.
I understand your stance and partially agree with the tone.
Yep. Right in that general area. I hold out hope that somehow, against the odds, some made it.
I really hope they find a way to safely and efficiently mount something like the turret you posted.
despite how often I knock the V22, it is a safe aircraft. You will always have some developmental issues, and then there are some "growing pains" that disappear as repairers and pilots learn more about the aircraft.
I don't know what the TAF's looked last night... but all I can say is the METARs at Eglin looked like shit. Damn...
Just a damned shame.
And from an engineering standpoint especially considering the years that it was initially designed... it's a great bird.
If you mean "an accurate portrayal of obstacles displayed in 3d, probably based on WAAS GPS position" I'd the technology is good, then yes. Maybe that would help.
Pilots: We are fucking paranoid about weather. In training especially, we WILL NOT launch if the weather is remotely "skosh (sp?)."
But seriously,
Boondock Saints, Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels, and Snatch... some of the best movies ever and will watch them one bazillion more times.
Man I love that movie (the first one and only the first one, mention of the second one makes me sad).
Wierd, now I am sad. For some unknown reason.
I try to do my part and contribute to the great Intarwebz.
My work here is done.
While actual performance will of course be a deciding factor and it isn't much past the concept stage, I think that the V280 could represent the first bird with enough matured technology and appropriate layout to be useful. We will have to wait and see.
Agreed on all points.
Part of the reason for my backlash is the non-aviation-military "deciders" out there seem to think "IT CAN DO ALL THE THINGS!" Guys like you and I are like "Nah, but here is what it does well: ______ "
I like it for what it is, and would like to see it used to its fullest. I *really* kinda…
I don't have many good opinions of them in general. For the missions that we need VTOL for (medevac, air assault, heavy lift ops) all I have is a bunch of technical complaints about their capabilities.
My opinion boils down to "They aren't as good as a helicopter for a helicopter mission, and they are not as good as…
As much as I ding the whole tiltrotor bit for military use, I will say this concept is very applicable for stuff like the deep water rigs in the Gulf.
Perfect concept for them, when you need something to get out a long distance, but must land vertically.