
I personally love all my flying cargo-trucks to have several types of cannons hanging off the side.

That's not even sarcasm.. I farking love the AC130.

The A10 remains the only fixed wing I'd want to fly and it remains tied with flying medevac UH60's for me.

I would like to think I'd know exactly how I'd act if I were in the same situation.

Being in a similar situation(s) however, made me realize that sometimes... sometimes you don't act like *you.* The right severity of event... shock... adrenaline... whatever... man, you can discover some things about yourself that you

1. You are a parent.

I think I speak for the fighter sim community when I say, and I quote:

Well-played. Well-played.

<— Student Engineer *AND* nursing school dropout (after completing all academics and almost all clinicals with a very good GPA).

Yeah, so illogical arguments based on COMPLETELY IGNORANCE of anything from say... microbiology... hell... INTRO to microbiology absolutely floors me. I... will stop myself now before I go


Also, logical arguments do not work with illogical decisions-makers.

Gleefully oblivious.

Man... I don't know, but I'd love a good quality vintage racing game like that.

You make a damn fine point.


I like the Idea of a body with a resemblance to ww2 fighter aircraft. Always loved the aluminum and smoothed rivet body on the Mustang.


Even if it was a stressed member in the bikes, you wouldn't want to use it as such in even a small car.

I have considered getting the frame and suspension from them.

Keep the receipts of crap you buy, and you can register damn near anything you build down here. They just want the tax cut. And that REALLY IS how you get an inspection sticker here. Coming from the north east, you can be dang sure it was a surprise to me.

You should see the gun laws. If you are bored, check out

There aren't many benefits to this state... but it's one of them.

Getting a VIN:
Clerk: "So you say you made this?"
You: "Yep."
Clerk: "Fill out this single page form."
You: "Done."
Statey: "Neat!" *signs*
Clerk: "Done."

Inspection Sticker:
*Beep* *blink-blink* *brake-lights*
Mechanic: "That'l be $5."

Oh... The South. Where winters, and salt & sand are nonexistance... and warm temps prevail. But roads are fairly terrible for motorcycles.

In this place I call my "Imagination." My wallet and free time would never catch up to the aspiration.

Maybe realistically a Focus RS in a few years. *sighs* Some day. Some day.