
Transform Your Body, Burst with Energy, Plead Guilty to Raping a Minor and Serve Less than 21 DAYS!

I hope you are sitting down, because I have some SHOCKING information, and there is no way ANYONE would believe it.

I went to high school in my home country of Canada, and it was a public school 15 minutes away from a catholic high school. My high school was sponsored by Durex condoms, and the nurse at the school had a

But nobody else accused him or rape. While statistically speaking most rapists will rape more than once, and often rapes on campuses appear to be the same people repeat offending, in this particular case there was a broad outreach for people to come forward and nobody claimed rape.

(I promise this is about sex. Hang in there)

Honestly, I really need to know why the Conservative Right is so fucking obsessed with the contents of my vagina.

I think people are finding it difficult to believe that the rate of sexual violence directed at women on college campuses in the US - that is, at monitored and controlled-access areas usually located in some of the lowest crime areas of US cities and towns - is roughly on par with that of eastern Congo. At something

Why didn’t they do a study that specified rape. Just so there’s no more confusion.

Still a better love story than Twilight.

Is it ok to be against rape but still think this sucks

“If you’re reading this and doubting Emma—if you’re reading this and doubting me ...”

I agree! I discussed the title IX cases with my mother this weekend and while I got a look for my comments on the idiocy of dating faculty (something I did in undergrad) we agreed: we’re adults, we shouldnt hide stupid choices behind legal action the morning after. (This is not a comment on sexual assault or rape but

OMG “mattress feminists”. Dying of laughter right now. Brilliant and this is totally what im calling these morons from now on.

Did ya know that the assholes that filed the Title IX compliant also filed one to the faculty member that accompanied her to Title IX compliant meetings because his participation created a threatening environment (although the union/association she belongs to provides this person to attend such proceedings and it’s

So happy to read this! I honestly loved her first essay, and I can’t wait to read the most recent one (behind the chronicle’s pay wall right now). There are so few feminists out there arguing that young women should be empowered to make mistakes without seeing them as trauma, and I think Kipnis was incredibly

Unclear on the concepts.

My first thought whenever I see one of these “we don’t fuck until marriage and we date the way god intended, with two or three adult family members in the room at all times” families going on about their virtue and purity and all that, this is all I can think. This kind of weird, embarrassing sexual exploration

I dearly hope she wins this. If the NYT this week showed us what kind of good well done journalism can do (through their nail salon piece), the Rolling Stones & Erdely in particular has done nothing but harm to their brand, to UVA and its community, and to the feminist movement in general by shoddy work.

I am a senior at Barnard College (sister affiliate of Columbia), I have been highly active with anti-sexual violence activism on campus since my first year here, I am not involved with No Red Tape, and I have a lot of thoughts about this recent action. Many of you may disagree with some of my opinions, and I respect

The thing is this.

There isn't a single high school dance memory I wouldn't trade for a tour of a chocolate factory