
“with that many boys in the bathroom she wasn’t going to be able to stop the encounter if she wanted to”

“... I can’t get the mindset ...”

“If they promise not to make a difference, then why have ‘em?”

Mom: “... I couldn’t enjoy myself because I wasn’t comfortable enough with my partner to communicate what I wanted.”


Women try to limit the sexual activity of their sexual competitors (other women) by slut shaming them. Women are the worst slut shamers. Women are far worse slut shamers than men (who benefit directly from women’s sexual promiscuity). Men may slut shame their girlfriends/wives if they cheat, but that’s about it. Women

The only leverage Sony would have wrt Kesha is if it agreed to keep Kemosabe/Dr. Luke on (under favorable terms) if he releases Kesha from her contract with him. It is questionable whether Sony wants to keep Dr. Luke at all at this point. So most likely Kesha does get jettisoned with Dr. Luke/Kemosabe. Unless she wins

Was there a rape? The only thing we know is that some basketball player left Yale under confidential circumstances. Throwing the term rapist around so casually is really offensive.

I thought I was looking at Susan Dey for a minute there. Cara looks remarkably like her in that shot.

“... taking it all in Quatar”? So it seems odd to you that after having a son harassed and arrested due to their Islamic religion the family would prefer to move to an Islamic country where their religion will not be an issue? Perhaps you remember from American history why the Pilgrims came to Plymouth rock ? It was

These artists are saying they support Kesha, not (necessarily) that they believe Dr. Luke is a rapist. They can be support Kesha on a number of different grounds - an important one being that the kinds of contracts young artists are forced to sign are often predatory and exploitative. I have not heard of any other

“object(ed) to the idea of a female pop artist being legally contracted to an alleged abuser...”

I predict that this is EXACTLY what will happen eventually - but the press on this hasn’t peaked out yet. Sony will play this for maximum free publicity before Ke$ha & Dr. Luke reach a settlement that lets everybody cash in on that free publicity.

I was not a rockstar in the 1970s, I was only a high school student. I think with regards to certain sexual matters the 1970s WAS the best time to be alive for BOTH men and women. The sexual revolution was over, and the sex-positive side had won decisively. AIDS (even genital herpes) was basically unknown although it

There is the possibility that the case goes forward but that the prior self-incriminating testimony is not allowed in as evidence.

Judgement call here: in terms of running for the Democratic Presidential nomination, Sanders has more legit outsider credentials by virtue of having been an independent Socialist who caucused with the Democrats rather than an actual Democrat for most of his political career - until 2015 when he joined the Democratic

The discarded clothes thing has to do with one of the symptoms of freezing to death. When you get close to death from hypothermia, it throws your body’s temperature sensors way off so that you feel like you are too warm, not too cold.

“child abuse ... the worst kind is abortion”

At no point does THIS author ever say “I was scared and I froze up”. She does not even say “I was scared”. She says “I was annoyed.”

“Enthusiastic consent” is fine as an ideal to aspire to, but it is not a workable as a model for determining whether consent exists or not. It cannot be up to your (potential) partner to determine whether your level of enthusiasm is sufficient, ever. You have to communicate.