Wow, that first sentence is a doozy. Ooch.
'The Costume Institute at the Metropolitan Museum of Art announced Tuesday that they're renaming the space its exhibits live in the Anna Wintour Costume Center.'
Broken sentence is broken.
I don't think you understood my point. Honestly, in a conversation about childhood obesity, organic/nonorganic shouldn't even be part of the conversation. It muddies that waters because it doesn't really affect obesity. Once we can get shit set up so people can afford (in both money and time) to eat conventional…
Let's not conflate healthy food with organic food, especially in the childhood obesity discussion. Organic/non-organic really has no bearing. (And I don't know how to say this next part without sounding bitchy, but I assure you that's not the intention): If the probably-college-educated author of this piece can't…
Draws a circle in salt on the floor, lights a candle, and whispers the word of summoning...
Draws a circle in salt on the floor, lights a candle, and whispers the words of summoning...
Lindy, I love you, and I get where you're coming from, but here's a counterpoint: This does not change my opinion of him in the slightest. I still think he's pretty great for the Church, and moving things in a positive direction.
He's not like a regular misogynist, he's a cool misogynist, right, Regina?
On some level, though, I'm not completely sure why someone being anti-abortion is so terrible. I mean, yes, I'm pro choice and all, but GIVEN that someone genuinely believes from the bottom of his heart that an embryo is a person and extinguishing that embryo is murder, wouldn't it be wrong for that person to not…
The Catholic Church has been consistent in terms of life. No death penalty, no abortions. Big surprise. At least we're seeing consistency in dogma, return to a focus on compassion, on loving thy neighbor, feeding/clothing to hungry and poor. Being good stewards of the Earth, and being humble. Seems like some…
Um, you're setting up false opposites. You can be both anti-abortion [ETA: "anti" has a lot of loaded connotation thanks to the anti-choice crusade, but hopefully you can see past that for purposes of this point] AND against legislation interfering with a woman's right to bodily autonomy. I wish there were about a…
I have zero expectations for any pope to be all "Never mind, guys, abortion is fine! Ladies, you have total control over your own bodies; us old guys are gonna take a step back." I'm glad that Francis is bringing attention to things like charity and good works, but it's not enough to pull me back to the church.
Ratzi the Nazi was not hard to top.
In other words, is the pope Catholic???
Oh, Pope Francis. We're all trying so hard to be into you—despite the fact that you are the figurehead of a…
Let it FLOW.
What was even better was Seth Meyers' reaction to Andy Samberg winning.