
Here’s my current cop beef. There are good cops and bad cops, just like any other profession. The difference between them and other professions is the need to defend rather than disavow the bad ones. I’m a teacher and my first thought when I hear about something horrible a teacher did is that they have disgraced the

So, he’s gay, right?

It should be. The history of that clause is really terrible. If you don’t know, look up chain gangs.

“...compare your life to someone who spent it being unwanted at every possible level and think about how easy it would be to mess it all up.”

It’s a tough sell to dehumanize people in prison and expect them to reintegrate into society as highly functional humans later. Let’s recognize that many criminals who commit seemingly “inhuman” crimes have often been degraded and mistreated in ways we couldn’t imagine. Lots of people congratulate themselves for

I read a book about a journalist who went undercover as a guard in the New York State prisons and was at Sing Sing for a while. He makes it pretty clear that the system fails both prisoners and guards.

This is gross, is there any way to amend the 13th amendment where that this clause be removed?

You know, I used to be a fucking moron and believe that prison inmates deserved what they got. I was, like, 12 at the time.

By breaking the law, they lost the rights of being treated like citizens.

Pulling the missiles out of Turkey, actually.

Yes, if Scott did have a gun.

That’s what I don’t get. Let’s assume for one moment he did have a gun (I don’t believe he did, but I wasn’t there). The man is in his car and not an immediate danger, you have someone who obviously knows him on scene, why would you not have one officer go over and speak with her to see if she knows a way to get him

So I guess the officers THOUGHT he had a gun, but he didn’t? And we’re just waiting to see proof that he didn’t?

OFFICER: Drop the gun.

Nothing says molding young minds like Brutalist architecture.

It’s a lion mane to wear on his head. That’s the highest it went.

My mother has told me about having to do ‘duck and cover’ drills before. She said she was terrified. She had teachers telling her things like, “when the communists invade, they’re going to throw all the children into ovens.” What the fuck, 1950s?

My oh my. I have to say that I am grateful that mah cat actually likes his carrier. I leave it open so that he can go chill in it sometimes. I even put his favourite hallucinogenic inside so that he can enjoy his man cave.

Kitteh at the beach.