
I am not so sure about that, personally. I think they definitely weren’t white, but I’ve always pictured ancient Egyptians as being various shades of brown. Like, in terms of coloration, there’s a very clear difference from the way they depict your average Egyptian pharaoh and a Nubian (which are consistently depicted

I’m going to genetically engineer lions that stay cubs and never grow into dangerous flesh-eating beasts. I will be the richest person on earth.

It’s so cool that Sonata Arctica even wrote a song about it...

I did not realize that. Then Canadian Prine Minister Brian Mulroney was a big supporter of it.

There is no Geneva Convention for Kids, but there is the UN Declaration on the Rights of Children.

no TV show would stay around long if they showed the huge amount of time that apes just lounge around, so they cut out most of the hanging around bits, insert only action into an hour show, and Done!

I like it when someone’s ideas and experiences can stretch my mind. Thanks for the give and take.

In the early 1900’s the notion of anthropomorphizing - ascribing human emotions to animals as a bad, unscientific thing -gained a lot of traction. Science! But we have seen a lot of work in animal cognition, much of it focused on the great apes, corvids, dolphins, et al. They do think, they do have

This. Gorillas spend most of their time foraging, lounging, and grooming in the wild. Animals in zoos can look inactive and “sad” to us because they have a reliable food source and don’t need to travel.

The orangutan forest at Woodland is not cramped and terrible? They often hang out in the observation area, but there’s a larger area to them to climb around.

My prof was fired from a “university” in TN before coming to my school (lucky for us!) because he DARED to state the age of the Earth as approx. 4.5 billion years old, and that there was evidence of this in the fossil record. Oh, yeah, and he is a geology prof. SMH.

I was a biology major in college. The GENETICS professor stated that all gene mutations are fatal. Genes and species never change and have never changed since the beginning of time (turns out he was very religious and the beginning of time is outlined in Genesis). I think I tuned out the rest of the class.

It must have something to do with making comparisons to modern primate and human anatomy? Like, this maxilla resembles that of a chimpanzee anteriorly, so we’ll model the soft tissue THERE like that of a chimp, whereas this mandible is more humanoid, so we’ll model than on the human jaw, etc. But that’s just a guess.

They have a channel for dogs on my cable plan, so there better be a Gorilla friendly program for Jelani at this Zoo.

I wonder how he feels about netflix, because I feel like this could be the beginning of a beautiful relationship.

My god, it’s about time people got the right to kill themselves when they’re full of unending pain and emotionally done with life. The only reason we’re still debating this issue is because of these nutty religious wackos with too much time on their hands. Maybe they ought to do us all a big favor and perform some

Based on the article, I’m not sure she even called Uber. It sounds like the guy just pulled up and said he worked for Uber and offered a ride - that’s definitely what happened in the 2nd example. Which is exactly the same thing as ANY stranger pulling up and offering a ride.

A friend of mine also asks the driver who they are picking up before she gets in (if the driver doesn’t confirm her name first).

This is precisely why I check the license plate and make sure the drivers pic matches the one in the ap. Because of creepy f*cks like this guy.

(No victim blaming here, not this girls fault. Just saying creepy sickos like this are why I am so god damned paranoid)