
That’s actually a good idea. Is that enough for them to accept you? I mean, you basically still have a tattoo? :/

Why do people on the internet seem so intent on insisting that if people are vocally upset about one thing, they are absolutely not vocally upset about whatever else.

You realize you can care about multiple things at once, right? You realize you can talk about what is occurring in this article AND also what you brought

What an extraordinary game, with a timeless visual style and a sense of humor that has been matched by very few other releases. I truly have no idea how many times I’ve played DoTT, but it’s a large number as I usually revisit it at least once every 18ish months. I also have nearly every moment of the game memorized,

Another...? We haven’t had these since the fucking Baldurs Gate 2 days. They’re FINALLY getting a resurgence. Finally, we have real RPGs back. Get outta here. :)

It’s about ethics in games journalism, man. Come on.

Wow there is no one even going to try and answer you with any dignity, sheesh.

I don’t miss missing 90% of time but I do miss these few solid, good RPG mechanic.

The main problem with the Oblivion and Skyrim (and I’m assuing the next game as well) is that it’s obvious Bethesda is half-heartedly going down the “make your own fun” route, but each new incarnation has more and more of the “make your own fun AS LONG AS IT’S ON OUR TERMS” guidelines. If you knew what you were doing,

I will agree that, story-wise, Morrowind was Elder Scrolls’ high-point. The atmosphere was legendary, it did a really great job of selling you on these mythical beings and Vvardenfell was far more alien than most other fantasy settings. The stuff with the dwarves and Nerevar and the Tribunal was fantastic.

It also has to do with story-writing and mission design, not just gameplay mechanics.

I’d rather say something like: Shame they stopped caring about interesting, complex and innovative background stories for their games. They’ve learned how to present their stories in a more cinematic way and to include awesome setpieces, but the overall quality of the plot has dropped, and that’s a bummer.

The Vita fans are a strange case of us realizing how screwed we are, yet also realizing how much of a joy it is to play games on it. It’s a very unique situation.

This comment section took quite a turn. On a website dedicated to reading about stuff we like, basically none of it vital to our survival, who would have thought the group would attack its usefulness? Then turn towards the pedantic silliness of debating what is or isn’t a waste of time?

It isn’t a waste of time if they enjoy it.

I hooked my PC to my 40" just to play Fallout 4. The game automatically recognized my Xbox 360 controller so its just like playing on a console. It just worked with no real issues or anything and was a Godsend when I threw my back out in early December. Good pain meds, a week off from work, a recliner and fallout was

Oooh I wish open world RPGs would start having seasons by default. It would add a lot to the world building immersiveness. I figured it would be difficult to add but if mods can do it...

Good article. I like how it’s informative about the actual subject instead of some childish column going ‘ieeeeuw boooobieees’.

Actually, I think a lot of people coming from a religious background can relate to Kate, especially those in the LGBT community who didn’t find support from their family. Many make the same decision Kate did. I wouldn’t call it a trope at all.