
I'm in the Tampa Bay area and love having a convertible, for a few weeks in the winter and at night in the summer. They are great second cars. I would totally trade my reliable daily drive Camry that gets great gas mileage for an 85/86 5.0 Capri!

OMG, I LOVE that fox body Capri! I've owned eight 5.0 Mustangs and always wanted a capri. Great looking car with those wheels too. I also had a Canary Yellow convertible and drove it like an old lady because everyone stared at it, I assume because it was so beautiful. Never had any trouble with the cops in that car at

The last ticket I got was from a cop (who was very cool to me) that had to tell me all about his Mustang GT. Perhaps he had some buyers remorse? LOL! Here is the stealther quicksilver Monaro conversion I have these days. Much faster than the stock orange one was but so far, so good. Only had a few Crown Vic's

Something about this car...used to get me pulled over all the time. Now I have a silver one and rarely get hassled by "the man."

I've seen this car around town and if it were mine, I would take up two spaces too. He gets a pass.

Stupid Virginia. Very uncool.

They were a little more money than a Mustang GT and still cheaper than a GT Convertible, but I'm not sure I would use the word "flopped." The car was built in Australia and that means the UAW had nothing to do with it's construction and I wonder if that didn't have something to do with the fact that only about 30K of

Beautiful interior, IRS, 400hp LS2, E39 M5 performance at 1/3 of the price. This rare car was the bargain of the decade.

This is my Holden Monaro CV8Z. It's like a transgender car. It began life in the Holden factory in Australia where it received a Pontiac GTO nose and came to the USA, but it felt wrong all of it's life, so after much therapy and after a long search for parts it is finally the car it was supposed to be. There will be

Brazen Orange Metallic on the 2006 Monaro...I mean GTO is one of my favorites.

I think they're both pretty.

At 60K miles. Miss that car.

I've had eight Mustang GT's and I'm now on my second GTO. Most fun I've ever had with a car has been in the Monaro. Doesn't matter if the Mustang is prettier because the Holden is AMAZING bang for the buck with a great interior, unlike my Mustangs.

1. E39 M5 in LeMans Blue with extended leather. Best sedan that will ever created by humans.