
Russians make songs about beer, even love songs. It's hilarious. NPR did a story on it once, and they played some song that was done to the music of Nazareth's "Love Hurts". The whole song was about a guy who misses his beer so much, and can't wait to get off work and drink.

Where metrosexual quarterbacks like Tom Brady get to choose between a tight end or a wide receiver.

Some of the same things that were said before Jackie Robinson took the field. What a shame that so many modern day pro sports execs choose to be on the wrong side of history. Not a good class of people.

Smart is on the ground looking in the opposite direction, then looks up and behind him quickly, then goes up a couple of rows to get to this guy. I can't imagine Smart reacting that aggressively to someone that is some distance away for merely calling him a "piece of crap", which is nothing by sports heckling

Reminds me of Tony Dungy asking Jonathan Martin, "If I were a coach thinking about signing you, what would you say to convince me you've changed?"

It's probably the smell of Europeans that has him crying.

It's pretty obvious she's never had anything that big in her mouth, which is probably why she's so afraid of Marcus.

Now who could think this face wouldn't be just as angry at a white player for doing the same?

That "fan" doesn't look like he's in any kind of shape to be starting shit with someone like Marcus Smart. He's lucky he wasn't picking his teeth up off the ground.

You're right. He was innocent. That all changed the night he confronted Martin.

Good. One man's "political correctness run amok" is another's "court of public opinion". A shitty idea taken down by public outrage. Score.

Here's a pic from one of the accounts. Clearly Darwin is the enemy of the guy on the right, not minorities.

And the worst part is, now people get attacked personally for saying something others disagree with, even if they insulted no one. If someone's facebook page isn't set to private, others can send them messages, mock photos of them, of their friends and family, etc. You're right, it's had the opposite effect. People

All the more reason to wonder why social networks like Facebook and Twitter don't do more to filter it. The million dollar question is, is this emerging bay area tech culture really liberal?

Well, they're unemployed, most of them. Some own small businesses that barely scrape by, or work for small businesses owned by "kinfolk". So, they really have nothing to lose. Color me the deep conspiracy theorist, but I sort of blame Karl Rove for bringing them out of hiding during Bush's presidential campaign.

So she's Russia's Sarah Palin...

She went right down the modern day right winger's check list, didn't she?

Well if they'd aired it, they would have had to issue an open apology to Bill O Reilly for using the Olympics as a stage to promote their radical leftist agenda, so now they're just editing out all of the militant, bomb throwing vitriol about equal rights and stuff.