
I'm a Kings fan in Sacramento. Yes, Cousins is an asshole. I hope he's gone. I don't know why they're insisting that things work with him. When rebuilding the first thing you do is weed out the potential head cases.

That's the best blocking Manning got since halftime.

I don't see where they're preparing for the A's, which isn't a wise move. I'm sure like last off season they're thinking the team with the best farm system in baseball is going to fall off. Flawed plan. A's staff worked pretty well against Fielder last year. Really, he's about one or two runs per series.

Yeah, we know all about that Rangers swag in Oakland. bwahahaha

Let him go to Texas. As an A's fan, this doesn't worry me in the slightest. What did he have against us last year, a couple of solo shots? Maybe one in the LDS? When will you learn, Texas? Prepare for us or watch the playoffs on t.v.

In the same way that Texas's school curriculum now equates the accomplishments of Confederacy president Jefferson Davis with those of Lincoln, and that the Tennessee Tea Party wants slavery out of U.S. history books.

I always get the rat prank at work while wearing a towel and stroking my penis.

Did the airbag deploy?

Richie Incognito and his supporters just want to know what little pussaaayy snitched and leaked this video.

It makes you fire truth torpedos.

[arbitrators look at each other, nodding heads]

To troll right wing dickheads? And to that I say godspeed!

I honestly can't believe the Raiders haven't had the most. They're already on their third this year.

So, Incognito defenders (aka people neglected by their fathers, and Dolphins fans), Dungy refused to draft Incognito because the Colts were full of pussaaayys, right? Pussayys just got lucky and were a top tier team for years, winning a Super Bowl. Pusssaaaayyyys!!!!

He intentionally slid on the rail. So, you can stop now.

Who wants to bet he sides with Incognito?

Always wondered about this one.

9 years since his last Super Bowl victory. Two teams have won 2 Super Bowls since the last Patriots Super Bowl win (NYG and Steelers). Seriously, it's not that we don't think Brady's still uber-relevant and all, but just saying...

Since around 2002, I get a little nervous whenever someone says they're about to do an R. Kelly impression.