[Why do they call it a "free" throw? He's not free. He has to shoot from that line. Shouldn't a field goal really be called a "free throw"?]
[Why do they call it a "free" throw? He's not free. He has to shoot from that line. Shouldn't a field goal really be called a "free throw"?]
This is why they didn't fire Rex. He's a defensive coach. It was just a matter of time before his system kicked in.
Too soon to judge the Ryan clan as publicity hounds?
Chris Farley meets Ken Stabler meets, well, Rob Ryan.
Gruden got a DUI when coaching the Raiders, after a game. Just imagine all of those Raider fans in the drunk tank, suddenly Chucky gets thrown in with them.
My, Shannon, as a Raider fan, I hate you as a football player, but love you as a person. Well said.
In pre-colonial America, there was a football team called the Atlanta Bible Freaks.
Who cares? The whole point of the "Redskins" name is to offend native Americans.
Obviously Jim Carrey the tiger zombie takes the cake, but you can look at just about any part of this gif and see a total fail. Take number 18 on the bottom right for instance. Superfan at about 8 o clock probably slept in his parents bed a few years too long, too.
Welcome to Oakland, Riley.
I was curious as well about so many in the sports media sounding as if Cooper had overcome odds as a victim or something today. Even in the Duke lacrosse situation you had a group of white young males falsely accused of rape (well, at least we're pretty sure at this point...). In cooper's case, he was on video…
You're right, but I still hope he gets charged and she doesn't. I'm just a regular hater of guys that hit women for any reason. Sue me.
3rd world America.
It's Curtis Painter!
Also, shots were fired in the parking lot at Tom Brady's wedding. So, that, and his children out of wedlock. Just surround any black player with the same circumstances and imagine the headlines, or Susan Reimer op eds.
Peterson's sex life is private business. The Washington "Redskins" take public money. That's one difference. [that stupid, time wasting feeling I get when I respond to right wing trolls]
"If I'm here and you're here, doesn't that make it our time?"
A "dump". Anything that isn't perfect, new, and rich looking is a "dump", whether it be a sports stadium, a city, a neighborhood, or even a person. Classism 101.
"Tase him! Tase him!"