
I totally played Rise of the Dragon. Dynamix, right? Wow, that takes me back. As a seven year old I didn't really comprehend the whole drug kingpin thing. I recall it was hard and a bit buggy. Like you had to get over a broken walkway or something and the game would crash every time you did it right. I don't think I

Ahahahaha, Obama Fried Chicken! The logo just makes that picture. You know if someone tried to open that stateside they'd burn it to the ground for being racist.

The guy apparently was obfuscating his code and was "paranoid". Look, from a coding stand point there's only three reasons you would want to obfuscate your code on a free project because all it does is prevent reverse engineering of the code.

That and maybe a Breath of Fire collection. Yeah, I was about to post about the terrible Breath of Fire V that they already released.

I also loved The Duke. I have larger hands and get "the claw" from tiny controllers (that people swear are superior).

I'll agree on multiple points. I never found it too uncomfortable, but the analog stick was freaking sharp. Too long on Sonic Adventure 2 and my thumb would feel like I'd been poking it with needles all day.

Back in the day, all our villains had to have "Russian" names. Those damn pinko commies, you know. Gotta teach the kids to fight back!

Yeah... virtua fighter was like that too.

I use (i)(/i) for italics and (b)(/b) for bold. Didn't know (em) did the same thing actually.

Yeah, they're the ones watching the people and not actually browsing the merchandise. Interestingly enough, shoplifters tend to look the same as they usually have a good idea of what they came in to steal.

HTML tags, The. They work in the comments like this and this.

This is great, I hope we're headed for an era where the creators have exclusive control of their IPs. One more step towards breaking the stranglehold the mega-publishers have on the industry.

And suddenly the mental image of a shirtless cartoon Ron Jeremy is burned into my brain. Thank you for that.

That sword is huge! But looking at that figure makes my pants feel smaller.

Puce Widow? Chartreuse Widow? Plaid Widow! That's it, Plaid Widow!

You could always attach a fleshlight and go for the whole nine yards.

If it's in print it's libelous, not slanderous. Just saying.

It's competent until you reach the part where he's the only one that had any input (according to the writing team). All other storyline decisions were vetted by the group, but certain parts were Mac Walters in a room writing draft after draft with no input.

Well, there's a proper way to retcon things that didn't happen in your previous storyline into the main plot. Usually this involves either a recap or a flashback so that if your audience didn't play the last game or read the books can understand what is going on. I know this and I'm not a professional writer. Comic

Good point. It probably depends on the specific contract terms that were agreed upon when the purchase was made.