For Windows users, uninstall itunes 12, delete all library files (usually found in "My Music" favorites) then you can go to sites like http://www.oldapps.com/itunes.php and do a complete re-install. BTW I despised itunes 12. Managing the metadata is awful with that damn auto complete. Horrible when you manage a

No way! As a geek I love the challenge of a complete rewire. I do not label anything. I photograph nothing. I just enjoy the serenity of sitting cross legged on the floor, running cables to all boxes and hearing it come to life!

I am actually a 20 year retired aviator and I have hit some bad stuff both in military and commercial aircraft. I have hit the ceiling myself. When I am sitting I am belted. I also can drive people crazy because while some people freak out at bad turbulence, I just throw my hands up and say "wheee"!

You have no idea what you are saying. Seat belts are the one thing keeping you from hitting the overhead in turbulence. If you read actual injury reports from aircraft in turbulence, it's the ignorant fucktards that won't put their belts on and cause the aircraft to have to divert and inconvenience everyone else.

WTF? I didn't ask for a friggin debate! The title of the article are THINGS THAT ARE LEGAL! Go away, dude.

I don't own these, so I don't know what they are technically called, but I got the map from www.silencersarelegal.com so thats what I called them.

Gun Silencers are legal in 39 states

Yes, I beleieve it is better. #angryraidersfanboy

The first time my son flew at about 6 years old, he didn't seem nervous at first, but when the plane rotated on takeoff, you could see the stark fear in his eyes as the ground quickly dropped away. He calmed down after about 15 minutes and it was a fairly unenventful event after that.

You get internet points for dogged persistence, well done, sir!

A little context for the confused? This article is a mess. The first paragraph is Shuster and DC, the second paragraph is Kirby and Marvel, and the third and fourth paragraphs fail to address the details of either case. Another fine example of ameteur hour at Kinja. Do not even try to tell me to reference another

As a TV watcher who does not watch sports, the time has come. Goodbye cable, I hardly loved ye.

Wow, this will probably never make out of the gray section, but this whole article is just a livid tantrum written by some bitter person who sounds like they were beaten up in a St. Louis high School. This reeks of amateur personal opinion and is becoming the gold standard of the blabbering "my way" method of writing

I have been accused of many things, but never humble :)

It's an age thing. I am 47 and I can do all of these very easily.

My body type? Photoshop.

Holy great timing Batman! I am right now working on the wife to dump cable and I mentioned an HTPC, and you post this! Excuse me while I forward this to her 12 or 13 times.

I guess I'm nitpicking cuz that means I still would have paid for Win 7 at some point, but I see where you are coming from if they allow you to downgrade with a copy that is on another computer.

Count the amount of time that car spent under the plane, given the aircraft was going 200 MPH, that runway should have been long enough to land the space shuttle 3 times over

Especially when he was Irish, the WHITEST people on earth!