
I think Flip Flappers is my mindless delught for the season even over Drifters. Kinda wish it didn’t have the shoe horned fan service as it doesn’t fit the overall atmosphere of the subject. Flip Flappers is the most Trigger type show that wasn’t animated by Trigger and the first episode had me rechecking that it

Like you, transformers. Bought the new set of headmasters you have shown plus Computron. I’m happy with my collection now minus Fortress Maximus. When I get him, I’ll have re-bought almost all the childhood toys I sold off in my parents’ attempt to be “thrifty” (“you have to get rid off your old stuff before you buy

Counterpoint: bash each other with EAT turkey legs until everyone is unconscious.

Wow, you mean sex sells? I thought PHD research would be beyond high school maketing 101 by now.

While not my cup of tea, I have to chuckle when I see both Yuri on Ice and Kiss Him, Not Me show up on Crunchyroll

It’s a Whalpeasant

Speaking of G Gundam, you Kotaku peeps need to do a public service announcement for Super Robot Wars V and G Generations on PS4. The Asia versions will be released in fully subtitled english and Japanese audio (albeit it’ll be like OG on the PS4, i.e. not perfect grammar / translations). Or better yet hire me since

Who knows, now that Konami can no longer rely on pachinko anymore, they may rerelease PT for $10 but stripping the current ending and making a new ending. If I were a hungry company, I know I’d do it for money and mending the fence between company and consumer base

Because mathimatically speaking, it’s impossible for time to be a variable and speed to be a constant considering speed=distance/time

Until we have 6 face buttons, it’s not esport worthy (i.e. the biggest e-sport games on consoles are fighting games). Horii makes some but without sticks so it is only for fighting games but I think they can put in 6 face buttons and both sticks

Not sure if I like the new districts or not. It’s just something completely different than before. Otherwise, I think the game has too much AI bloat. Turns are taking way too long even in the early going. With all the new stuff, think Civ needs to relook at how turns and travel distance are calculated. Ex. how far a

There is only 1 way to review Civ games.

So is there a stop for “that pool”? You know the one.

LOL Americans :p

I loved the idea too. The thought of a relationship made impossible by circumstances and professionalism and the fact that they are from different worlds (mentally, socially, professionally). Even if there is tension, there can’t be a romance between WW and Batman and Superman (in any way you fan fic people want to

I’ve lost almost all my Bandai Namco games. Chaos Rings 3, a newish $20 game released a few months ago by Square Enix no longer works.

Backed this (and Project Phoenix) too on Kotaku endorsement. Didn’t spend as much as you but those 2 projects at $150 each. Just hope Shenmue (being backed by Sony) and Bloodstained (Iga-Metroidvania which was done on shoestring budgets anyways at F*** Konami) aren’t as bad.

Others have already replied to you on their opinions. Here’s where I drop mine. I’ve done the stuff you described time and time again and I get punished for it by privileged white bros. Being a minority racial male (or black female) in N. America is like being a feminist back in the 40’s and 50’s after WW2. Yes, we

Rumor is a “Chrono” title being the last big announcement